Our Velten & Ashe Families
Buser (Box)
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- Descendants of
Valentin Buser
Unknown Gender
Valentin Buser
Leonhard Buser
Magdalena Hampel
Johann W. Buser
( - 1740)
Margarethe O. Weis
( - 1733)
Matthias Buser
(1713 - )
Johann M. Buser
(c 1716 - )
Anna M. Keller
( - 1774)
Anna C. Buser
(c 1749 - )
Anna M. Buser
(1750 - )
Anna M. Buser
(1752 - )
Johannes Buser
(1754 - 1755)
Johannes B. Buser
(1758 - )
Maria T. Rancker
(1761 - )
Anna C. Buser
(1719 - 1719)
Anna C. Buser
(c 1720 - )
Franz Moritz
(1714 - 1782)
Johann M. Moritz
(1745 - 1767)
Wilhelm Moritz
(1751 - 1772)
Margaretha Moritz
(1754 - )
Johann Lenhard
Catharina T. Moritz
(1757 - )
Peter Latterner
(1754 - )
Johann P. Moritz
(1758 - 1772)
Johann M. Moritz
(1760 - )
Johannes Buser
(1723 - )
Anna E. Buser
(1735 - 1768)
Johann P. Moritz
(1725 - 1812)
Andreas Moritz
(1754 - )
Anna C. T. Moritz
(1757 - )
Anna E. Moritz
(1760 - )
Johannes Moritz
(1763 - )
Anna E. Buser
Balthasar Roth
Elisabetha M. Roth
(c 1707 - )
Margaretha Roth
(1710 - 1749)
Maria M. Roth
(c 1712 - )
Johann J. Roth
(c 1714 - )
Anna M. Sommer
(c 1717 - )
Johannes T. Roth
(c 1718 - )
Wendel Roth
(c 1719 - )
Anna M. Roth
(c 1722 - 1768)
Michael Huber
(c 1722 - 1789)
Johannes Huber
(c 1748 - )
Johann F. Huber
(c 1750 - )
Johann W. Huber
(c 1752 - )
Johann J. Huber
(c 1754 - )
Katharina Huber
(c 1755 - 1772)
Anna M. Huber
(c 1757 - 1761)
Michael Huber
(c 1760 - )
Anna M. Huber
(c 1762 - 1773)
Nikolaus Huber
(c 1765 - 1765)
Johannes Roth
(c 1724 - )
Maria B. Buser
Johannes V. Jung
Anna C. Jung
Johannes Gros
Matthias Gros
Maria C. Klein
Anna E. Gros
(1779 - 1848)
Johann N. Geimer
(1780 - 1864)
Anna M. Geimer
(1801 - 1862)
Michael Schwegel
(1798 - 1881)
Carl Schwegel
(1821 - 1821)
Margaretha Schwegel
(1822 - )
Peter Stuppy
(1821 - )
Anna M. Schwegel
(1823 - )
Elisabetha Schwegel
(1826 - )
Michael Stolz
Johannes Schwegel
(1829 - 1847)
Nicholas Schwegel
(1831 - )
Maria A. Schillo
(1836 - )
Catharina Schwegel
(1860 - )
Carolina Schwegel
(1862 - )
Michael Schwegel
(1865 - 1868)
Peter Schwegel
(1865 - 1950)
Caroline Franz
(1875 - 1964)
Otto F. Schwegel
(1898 - 1898)
Myrtle A. Beiser
(1900 - 1943)
Otto F. Schwegel Jr.
(1923 - 2008)
Edward N. Schwegel
(c 1899 - 1963)
Marie A. Haas
(c 1900 - 2003)
Rita Schwegel
(1922 - 1999)
John A. Schwegel
(c 1903 - 1980)
Evelyn Parks
(c 1908 - )
Peter P. Schwegel
(1909 - 1976)
Louise J. Hesse
(1910 - 1999)
Carolina Schwegel
(c 1936 - )
Robert Schwegel
(c 1938 - )
Peter B. Schwegel
(1938 - 2009)
Barbara Schwegel
(c 1940 - )
Maria A. Schwegel
(1871 - )
Nicolaus Schwegel
(1874 - 1920)
Mary Rohr
(1873 - 1948)
Jacob Schwegel
(1877 - )
Jacob Schwegel
(1833 - )
Anna M. Schwegel
Michael Schwegel
(1835 - )
Catharina Schwegel
(1838 - 1838)
Maria C. Schwegel
(1840 - )
Catharina Geimer
(1804 - 1824)
Margarethe Geimer
(1806 - 1863)
Jacob Schmitt
Maria E. Geimer
(1808 - 1814)
Maria E. Geimer
(1810 - )
Johannes Gros
(1808 - )
Nikolaus Geimer
(1812 - 1813)
Nikolaus Geimer
(1815 - 1862)
Jakob Geimer
(1818 - 1899)
Karl Geimer
(1824 - 1882)
Margarethe Kuhns
(1831 - 1881)
Ludwig Geimer
(1858 - )
Karl Geimer
(1860 - )
Elisabetha M. Buser
Hans J. Strasser
(c 1670 - 1743)
Johann M. Strasser
(1705 - )
Johann T. Strasser
(c 1708 - 1782)
Elisabetha A. Moritz
(1713 - )
Anna C. Strasser
(1737 - )
Paul Strasser
(c 1740 - )
Regina Rancker
(1748 - )
Johannes Strasser
(1769 - )
Anna M. Strasser
(1770 - 1833)
Jacob Kling
(1779 - )
Peter K. Kling
(1806 - )
Elisabeth C. Kling
(1807 - )
Philippina J. Kling
(1809 - )
Maria A. J. Kling
(1810 - )
Johann A. Mohrbacher
(1812 - 1889)
Maria A. Mohrbacher
(1837 - 1907)
Catherine Mohrbacher
(1839 - 1908)
William Gehlen
(c 1842 - 1922)
Philippina Mohrbacher
(1841 - 1843)
Margaretha Mohrbacher
(1843 - 1919)
Lorenz Schug
Lorenz Schug
(1879 - 1925)
Elizabeth M. Schmitz
(1883 - 1925)
Elisabetha Mohrbacher
(1844 - )
Frank J. Wickenhauser
Frank Wickenhauser
(c 1865 - 1938)
Paul Wickenhauser
(1877 - )
Carl J. Wickenhauser
(1881 - )
John A. Wickenhauser
(1883 - )
Gottfried Wickenhauser
(1886 - )
Paul Mohrbacher
(1847 - 1935)
Gertrude C. Meuwissen
Anna Mohrbacher
(c 1873 - 1935)
Joseph H. Willems
Catharine Mohrbacher
(1873 - )
Henry Mohrbacher
(1874 - 1951)
James Mohrbacher
(1878 - 1940)
Josephine M. Scheppens
(1878 - 1927)
Augustine Lins
Margaretha M. Mohrbacher
(1879 - 1908)
Hubert Hoen
Gertrude L. Mohrbacher
(1885 - 1907)
Godfrey L. Mohrbacher
(1885 - 1907)
Adam Mohrbacher
(1849 - 1921)
Anna B. Zinken
Mary Dols
Anna Mohrbacher
(1853 - 1856)
Maria C. Strasser
(1741 - )
Mathias Strasser
(1744 - )
Johann P. Strasser
(1747 - )
Michael Strasser
(1749 - 1762)
Johann Strasser
(1752 - 1804)
Margarethe Rancker
(1754 - 1814)
Anna M. Strasser
(1776 - 1837)
Michael Frisch
(1772 - 1814)
Elisabetha Frisch
(1799 - )
Jakob Schmidt
Catharina Frisch
(1802 - )
John Frisch
(1805 - 1882)
Anna M. Krupp
(1810 - 1853)
Anna M. Frisch
(1829 - 1901)
Joseph Kluding
(1792 - 1860)
Catherine Kluding
(1850 - 1896)
Nicholas Armock
(1843 - )
Veronica Armock
(1868 - )
Charles R. Courtade
(1866 - )
John Armock
(1871 - )
Elizabeth Tinkler
(1874 - )
Helen Armock
(1900 - )
Joseph Fink
(1897 - )
Florence Armock
(1905 - )
Peter Denhof
(1899 - )
Enoch Armock
(1873 - )
Mary Schuemaker
(1876 - )
Lawrence A. Armock
(1899 - )
Doris Wellman
(1903 - )
Daniel Armock
(1876 - )
Ida Witt
(1878 - )
Albert Armock
(1878 - )
Nellie Leinaar
(1883 - )
Marvin Armock
(1903 - 1996)
Nellie Onstwedder
(1905 - )
Joseph Armock
(1879 - 1881)
Paul Armock
(1884 - )
Jennie Scholten
(1886 - )
William Armock
(1892 - 1989)
Princess A. Fuller
(1895 - 1979)
Evelyn L. Armock
Marcella Armock
Margaret Kluding
(1852 - 1902)
Peter Brown
(1845 - 1931)
Fred J. Brown
(1874 - 1944)
Louise Miller
(1874 - 1942)
Peter F. Brown
(1898 - 1987)
Aloysius Brown
(1899 - )
Theresa T. Brown
Agnes Brown
(1902 - 1985)
Ceclia Brown
(1903 - 1994)
Bernard Brown
Louise Brown
(1906 - )
Wendelin C. Brown
(1907 - 1983)
Rose Brown
Alphonse Brown
Leo Brown
(1913 - 1941)
Albert F. Brown
(1875 - 1937)
Catherine Klein
(1879 - )
Katherine Brown
Charles Brown
Rose E. Schoenborn
(1885 - 1967)
Doris Brown
Irma M. Brown
(1907 - 1926)
Josephine Brown
Rita Brown
Anna A. Brown
(1878 - 1955)
William Schoenborn
Edward P. Brown
(1879 - 1973)
Cecelia M. Gross
(1888 - 1967)
Henry C. Brown
(1907 - 1983)
Frances C. Brown
Lawrence R. Brown
Herman J. Brown
(1912 - 1967)
Louise Brown
(1915 - 1915)
Edith I. Brown
Norbert W. Brown
Vivian V. Brown
Rupert W. Brown
(1882 - 1964)
Cecelia J. Fritz
(1890 - 1973)
Wilbert J. Brown
Raymond F. Brown
Clarence R. Brown
(1916 - )
Gerald E. Brown
Florence A. Brown
Arlene R. Brown
Erwin L. Brown
Rose E. Brown
(1884 - 1964)
Frank A. Dressander
(1877 - 1964)
Francis Dressander
Frances Brown
(1887 - 1968)
Frank Brown
(1889 - 1964)
William G. Brown
(1892 - 1918)
Valeria Brown
(1894 - )
Edward C. Klein
(1890 - 1978)
Martha Klein
Margaret A. Klein
Edward L. Klein
Peter Klein
Howard Klein
Raymond Klein
Eugene Klein
Bernard Klein
Martin Klein
Peter A. Brown
(1897 - 1969)
Edith Thome
Phyllis A. Brown
Vernon J. Brown
Audrey I. Brown
Carolyn R. Brown
Walter J. Brown
(1900 - )
Mary Duffy
Walter H. Brown
Donna R. Brown
Margaret Brown
Mary F. Brown
Marie Brown
John E. Duffy
( - 1980)
Leo Duffy
Nancy Duffy
Frank Duffy
Lester Duffy
Amelia Brown
Arthur G. Verheilig
Ronald A. Verheilig
Carol A. Verheilig
Catherine Frisch
(1830 - 1904)
Francis Bischoff
(1829 - 1911)
Peter Bischoff
(1853 - 1926)
Rosa B. W. Fisher
(1858 - 1885)
Elizabeth R. Bischoff
(1877 - 1954)
John F. Blinzler
(1875 - 1948)
Lewis Blinzler
(1900 - )
Mary Sherwood
(1896 - 1986)
Maxine Blinzler
Anna M. Bischoff
(1879 - 1897)
Odelia K. Bischoff
(1881 - 1963)
Charles F. O'Connor
(1870 - 1954)
Rosa E. O'Connor
(1904 - 1926)
Patrick H. O'Connor
(1905 - 1988)
Helen F. Aubuchon
(1907 - 1991)
George T. O'Connor
Lola I. Baltimore
Helen C. O'Connor
Gary T. O'Connor
Marian L. (?)
Odelia E. O'Connor
(1907 - 1990)
Robert M. Carrico
Mary A. O'Connor
(1909 - 1977)
Harold A. Keller
Ruth C. O'Connor
(1911 - 1976)
Helen M. O'Connor
(1913 - 1999)
John Vanoy
Clarence Layman
Charles F. O'Connor
(1915 - 1915)
Blanche L. O'Connor
(1916 - 1998)
James A. Presson
Thomas F. O'Connor
(1918 - 2007)
Darlene Davis
Betty S. Vinyard
(1924 - 2000)
Margaret E. Black
(1917 - 2006)
John O'Connor
(1926 - 1926)
Francis A. Bischoff
(1883 - 1958)
Iod McBride
(1890 - 1969)
Rosa E. Bischoff
(1911 - 1912)
William C. Bishoff
(1913 - 1993)
Frances M. (?)
(1910 - 1978)
Catherine H. Bishoff
(1915 - 1992)
Aulden E. Snodgrass
(1915 - 1998)
Margaret M. Bishoff
(1918 - 2003)
Harold Mullen
Rose Mullen
(?) Straun
Allen Mullen
Frederick Mullen
Joel Thurman
(1902 - 1973)
Odelia M. Bishoff
(1921 - )
Arthur J. Witte
(1920 - )
Francis J. Bishoff
(1923 - 2009)
Lorene Reynolds
(1925 - 1982)
Charles Bishoff
Norma Bishoff
Jerry Long
Kevin Long
Stacy (?)
Matthew S. Long
Jennifer White
Riley Long
Gabriel S. Long
(2009 - 2009)
Steve Raney
Cheryl Bishoff
John Fruin
Kristi Fruin
Greg Fruin
Robert Fruin
Wilhelmina E. Bishoff
(1924 - 1988)
Virgil Shoemaker
(1916 - 1974)
Agnes L. Bishoff
(1928 - 1985)
Earl R. Sigler
(1920 - 1989)
Walburga L. Bischoff
(1885 - 1920)
Henry F. Elbert
(1873 - 1947)
Berkie Elbert
John H. Elbert
(1907 - 1983)
Frank A. Elbert
(1908 - 1995)
Rosa C. Elbert
Earl Parrington
Henry Elbert Jr
(1915 - 1922)
Sarah C. Pratt
(1859 - 1899)
Catharine Bischoff
(1886 - )
Peter Bischoff
(1888 - )
Barbara M. Bischoff
Peter A. Elbert
(1885 - )
John C. Bischoff
(1899 - 1915)
Elizabeth A. Bischoff
(1856 - 1910)
Joseph Alt
(1849 - 1913)
August Alt
(1879 - 1965)
Charles F. B. Alt
(1881 - )
Jacob V. Alt
(1882 - )
Cora B. Ramsey
(1875 - 1944)
Walter A. Alt
(1904 - 1955)
Noble R. Alt
Alice K. Alt
Russell F. Alt
(1916 - 1975)
Francis Alt
(1884 - )
Katie Kutz
LaVerne Alt
Rose A. M. Alt
(1885 - 1975)
Forest B. Judy
(1883 - 1962)
Cleatus Judy
(1904 - 1999)
Mabel E. Nischwitz
Lois A. Judy
Loretta M. Judy
(1906 - 1981)
Ralph Landers
(1905 - 1985)
Evelyn M. Landers
Forest R. Landers
(1931 - 1931)
Eldon L. Landers
Flyod L. Judy
(1908 - 1910)
Basil R. Judy
(1914 - 1937)
Zelma Spencer
(1914 - 1937)
Ethel G. Judy
Robert L. Hines
David V. Grimes
(1932 - 1967)
Tammy D. Grimes
Jerry D. Grimes
(1959 - 1993)
Donald G. Weidinger
Louise C. Alt
(1886 - 1964)
William Kanney
Charles E. Kanney
(1904 - 1940)
Walter J. Kanney
(1906 - 1967)
Helen M. Kanney
(1918 - 1999)
Sylvester A. Bishop
( - 1996)
Beatrice A. Bishop
(1939 - 1953)
Mary A. Kanney
(1920 - 1962)
Albert Kanney
(1921 - 1994)
William P. Kanney
Monica M. Alt
(1888 - 1964)
Charles W. Saul
(1878 - 1959)
Clair A. Saul
Frederick J. Saul
Thelma R. Saul
(1920 - 1977)
Monica Saul
(1923 - 1923)
John B. Alt
(1889 - 1910)
Maria C. Alt
(1892 - 1910)
Rolestina Alt
(1892 - 1910)
Theresa Alt
(1894 - 1895)
Jacob Bischoff
(1858 - 1863)
Paul C. Bischoff
(1860 - 1898)
Helen T. Houck
(1862 - 1936)
John Bischoff
Rose K. Bischoff
(1886 - 1968)
John J. Hahler
(1881 - 1971)
Linus J. Hahler
(1908 - 2008)
Irene H. Hahler
(1910 - 2002)
Oscar E. Ott
(1903 - 1979)
Richard L. Ott
Marvin J. Ott
Clayton E. Ott
Dorothy Ott
Mildred Ott
Keith Garen
Paul E. Ott
Lynn J. Ott
(1941 - 2004)
Bertha Hahler
(1917 - 1998)
Donald Hahler
(1927 - 1988)
Mary A. Bischoff
(1887 - 1973)
Joseph J. Hahler
(1887 - 1972)
Florence A. Hahler
Bernard A. Brown
(1923 - 1981)
Wayne Brown
Ronald Brown
Melvin Brown
Sueann Brown
Janet Brown
Kenneth Brown
Helen M. Hahler
(1913 - 2003)
Paul C. Haspeslagh
(1912 - 1994)
Ronald Haspeslagh
Alice Haspeslagh
Paul Carpenter
Linda Haspeslagh
Richard Hastings
Michael Haspeslagh
Roger Haspeslagh
Arthur Haspeslagh
James Haspeslagh
Thomas P. Haspeslagh
(1942 - 1999)
Ortrude C. Hahler
(1915 - 2011)
Leon J. Diehm
(1914 - 1995)
Karen A. Diehm
Robert F. Ott
Theresa M. Ott
Brian M. Ott
David B. Ott
Jennifer L. Ott
Marilyn R. Diehm
Ronal A. Martin
Brett H. Martin
Jamie L. Stockmaster
Hannah M. Martin
Eileen E. Diehm
John P. Hosang
Trina L. Hosang
Ashley M. Hosang
Marvin J. Diehm
Tami A. Nagel
Joseph J. Diehm
William E. Diehm
Jonathan R. Diehm
Norma Diehm
Jeffrey L. Williams
Eric J. Williams
Jena L. Williams
Agnes L. Hahler
(1917 - 1997)
Robert J. Hahler Sr
(1919 - 2002)
Helen L. Phillips
(1928 - 2004)
Ralph E. Hahler
Marleen Hahler
Donald Graham
Robert J. Hahler Jr
Mary (?)
Darlene M. Hahler
(1962 - 1962)
Howard A. Hahler
Harriet C. Miller
Mary J. Hahler
Arnold J. Oliver
Sean J. Oliver
Gregory D. Oliver
Diane M. Hahler
John Rostel
Antoinette D. Rostel
Roger Johnson
Lawrence H. Hahler
Carol Gerken
Aaron L. Hahler
Megan E. Hahler
Barbara M. Hahler
John I. Blaylock
Elizabeth R. Blaylock
Joan M. Hahler
James M. Hahler
Sue A. Kluding
Benjamin A. Hahler
Donna J. Hahler
Michael G. Niedermeier
Nathan G. Niedermeier
Kelly A. Niedermeier
Lindsay C. Niedermeier
Kyle J. Niedermeier
William J. Hahler
(1959 - 2005)
Joseph G. Hahler
Angela K. Pieracini
Jay A. Hahler
Cheryl M. Hahler
Christopher J. Billmaier
Steven J. Billmaier
Michelle R. Billmaier
Nicholas C. Billmaier
Kathleen M. Hahler
Gregory Gadberry
Richard A. Hahler
(1927 - 1998)
Clara T. Bischoff
(1889 - 1947)
Albin O. Hahler
(1885 - 1971)
Gilbert S. Hahler
(1912 - 1997)
Florence V. Brown
(1917 - 2000)
Ann M. Hahler
Jules Bahnsen
Roger L. Hahler
Gerald P. Hahler
(1951 - 2000)
Linda J. Bogner
Mary Hahler
Philip Bisignano
Craig Hahler
Kris (?)
Lisa Hahler
Shane Tipple
Bridget Hahler
Brian Falter
Loretta A. Hahler
(1914 - 1987)
Phillip C. Fritz
(1909 - 1994)
Clarence P. Hahler
(1919 - 1995)
Dorothy F. Strickfaden
(1921 - 2005)
Marilyn F. Hahler
Paula A. Hahler
Ronald D. Moore
Laura A. Moore
Jennifer R. Moore
Franklin D. Smith
Clayton O. Smith
Rita C. Hahler
(1921 - 2007)
Leonard C. Scherley
(1917 - 1972)
Leann Scherley
Vonda A. Scherley
Paul A. Davis
Austin Davis
Edwin Scherley
Duane L. Scherley
Evelyn K. Enders
Karen A. Scherley
Keith D. Sarto
Robert A. Stevens
Randy McDonald
Eugene A. Hahler
(1924 - 1975)
Bernadette Scherley
(1928 - 2011)
Raymond Hahler
Marvin Hahler
Allan P. Hahler
Anita M. Beamer
Ellen J. Bischoff
(1890 - 1948)
Helen T. Bischoff
(1890 - 1948)
Leo T. Bischoff
(1893 - 1973)
Katherine P. Hahler
(1900 - 1955)
Joseph Bischoff
Agnes Mahl
Dennis L. Bischoff
(1955 - 1956)
Daniel A. Bischoff
(1962 - 1979)
Marian C. Bischoff
Edwin J. Kanney
Leon P. Bischoff
(1920 - 1983)
Patricia J. Shank
( - 1992)
Bradley Bischoff
Linda A. Schaffer
Christopher J. Bischoff
(1973 - 1973)
Albert J. Bischoff
(1922 - 2008)
Luetta Hay
(1932 - 2005)
Donald E. Bischoff
Ronald A. Bischoff
Linda R. Wise
Brian A. Bischoff
Michelle Miller
Elyse N. Bischoff
Andrew R. Bischoff
(1984 - 2014)
Sheri L. Ruffing
Mataya M. Bischoff
Ava A. Bischoff
D. J. Ruffing
David Bischoff
Allen J. Bischoff
James A. Bischoff
Linda R. Bischoff
Paul Bischoff
(1924 - 1994)
Maxine S. Shank
(1930 - 2010)
John L. Bischoff
(1929 - 1992)
Mary A. Siesel
(1929 - 2009)
Theresa Bischoff
Joseph Anthony
Tammy L. Bischoff
Michael Greenman
Michelle Greenman
Candace Greenman
Diane T. Bischoff
Debra A. Bischoff
Beverly Bischoff
Robert Pheifer
Greg Pheifer
Thomas Pheifer
Marilyn Bischoff
(1936 - 1937)
Amelia R. Bischoff
(1895 - 1953)
Joseph A. Miller
(1890 - 1965)
Leon J. Miller
(1919 - 2016)
Rita M. Elmlinger
(1920 - 2000)
Gerald C. Miller
Jolene M. Fritz
Jude Miller
Brian Miller
Mari J. Miller
Sr. Rita M. Miller
Leon H. Miller
Esther L. Heefner
Rodney Miller
Emily K. Miller
Jay Forehand
Jacob Forehand
Alex J. Forehand
Leslie A. Miller
Brad A. Miller
Eugene C. Miller
(1951 - 2019)
Jane A. Holmer
Kimberley Miller
Joseph Ferguson
Ava G. Ferguson
Max J. Ferguson
Melissa Miller
Thomas Kneisley
Monica Miller
(1956 - 1956)
Allan Miller
(1957 - 1957)
Harold T. Miller
(1921 - 2000)
Mary D. Fox
(1923 - 1978)
Elizabeth A. Miller
Joanne D. Miller
Richard Bernard Jr
Simon C. Bernard
Isaac J. Bernard
Lukee R. Bernard
Sarah D. Bernard
Regina L. Miller
Michael J. Williams
Anna I. Williams
Nikolaus J. Williams
Adrienne M. Williams
Barbara M. Miller
Walter D. Dietrich
Cheryl E. Dietrich
James A. Dietrich
Daniel R. Dietrich
Stephen R. Miller
Mattie Padgett
Ashley L. Miller
Eric A. Miller
Jason R. Miller
William J. Miller
Beverly McWilliams
Kayla N. Miller
Shane G. Miller
Justin R. Miller
Charles E. Miller
Mary F. Wise
Andrew S. Miller
Kyle M. Miller
Irene M. Phillips
(1929 - 2011)
Otillia A. Miller
(1928 - 2001)
Robert F. Grover
Margaret Grover
Paul F. Anseline
Lauren Anseline
Rebecca Anseline
Vanessa C. Anseline
Paul Grover
Nancy Eshelman
Jason Grover
Stephanie Grover
Mary A. Grover
Edward Werner
Eric Werner
Eddie Werner
Janet M. Grover
Charles Balduf
Andrew Balduf
Joseph Balduf
Anna M. Balduf
Robert C. Balduf
James R. Grover
Victoria M. Mueller
Ashlin Grover
Pauline C. Bischoff
(1898 - 1957)
Frank Bischoff
(1862 - )
Catherine M. Bischoff
(1865 - 1930)
Wendel Gillen
(1859 - 1934)
Sylvester Gillen
(1885 - 1959)
Frank J. Gillen
(1886 - 1967)
Susan C. Leinenweber
(1891 - 1964)
Joseph Gillen
Frances Gillen
Jerome Gillen
Eugene Gillen
Don Gillen
Luceille Gillen
William S. Gillen
(1889 - 1896)
Frances R. Gillen
(1891 - 1891)
Catharina M. Gillen
(1891 - 1891)
Wendel A. Gillen
(1892 - )
Joseph Gillen
(1895 - 1907)
Frances Gillen
(1898 - )
Mary R. Gillen
(1899 - 1965)
Annie Gillen
(1904 - )
Anna M. Bischoff
(1867 - 1953)
Joseph Schiska
(c 1863 - )
(?) Schiska
Lloyd Keenan
Albert Schiska
William F. Schiska
(1891 - 1950)
Joseph P. Schiska Sr
(1893 - 1946)
Anna E. Bruenn
(1895 - 1951)
Dorothy Schiska
Paul N. Wormington
(c 1925 - )
Mary A. Schiska
Lucille M. Schiska
(1919 - 1979)
Warren L. Banks
(1921 - 2001)
Joseph P. Schiska Jr
(1920 - 1987)
Joseph Bischoff
(1869 - 1963)
Mary C. Hahl
(1869 - 1944)
John R. Bischoff
(1871 - 1944)
Helen T. Houck
(1862 - 1936)
Jacob F. Bischoff
(1872 - 1937)
Martha A. Fenske
(1881 - 1961)
Mary A. Bischoff
(1899 - 1980)
(?) ***UNMARRIED*** Male
Benedict J. Bischoff
(1903 - 1975)
Clara F. Sierawski
(1909 - 1990)
Betty Bischoff
Harriet M. Bischoff
Raymond M. Bischoff
(1928 - 2003)
Mary P. Massey
Marilyn Bischoff
Charles Judd
Michael Bischoff
Eliza (?)
Shirley Bischoff
Roger Adams
Becky Bischoff
Jerry Bradley
Rose M. Bischoff
Paul E. Holland Sr.
(1928 - 2006)
Thomas Holland
Robert Holland
Paul E. Holland Jr.
Peter Frisch
(1832 - 1856)
Margaret Frisch
(1834 - 1897)
Peter Leis
(1829 - 1912)
John Leis
(c 1855 - 1922)
Amelia Young
(1860 - 1903)
Rose M. Leis
(1881 - )
Anthony L. Steinke
(1876 - 1951)
John W. Steinke
(1905 - 1983)
Anna Chapek
John W. Steinke Jr.
Matilda J. Steinke
(1907 - 2001)
Charles B. Weeks
(1906 - 2003)
Renee A. Weeks
Ronald P. Weeks
(1937 - 1939)
Northelma . M. Steinke
(1910 - 2004)
Ida D. Steinke
(1912 - 1953)
Maria A. Steinke
(c 1914 - )
Urban G. Steinke
(1916 - )
Pauline Barger
(1916 - )
Susan B. Steinke
Marilyn R. Steinke
Dorothy E. Steinke
(1918 - 1999)
Carl J. Gerber
(1914 - 2009)
Carla J. Gerber
Jon B. Gerber
Jerry J. Gerber
Sharon D. Gerber
Jay D. Gerber
Irene R. Steinke
(1920 - 1997)
Robert E. Turner
(1920 - 2004)
Gary A. Turner
Toni D. Turner
Cheryl A. Turner
Renee J. Turner
Mildred L. Steinke
(1922 - )
James L. Sexton
(1911 - 1967)
Jeralyn R. Sexton
Steven A. Sexton
James A. Sexton
Sylvester F. Steinke
(c 1924 - )
Ruth I. Brown
(1921 - )
Eileen L. Steinke
(c 1926 - )
Jerry H. Williams
(1924 - 2010)
Jerry H. Williams Jr.
Brenda S. Williams
Cynthia R. Williams
Terri M. Williams
Albert L. Leis
(1883 - 1957)
Rosa M. Nilles
(1885 - 1929)
Marie S. Leis
(c 1911 - )
Agnes S. Leis
(c 1912 - 1997)
Joseph T. Kruse
(1908 - 1995)
Suzanne Kruse
Margaret Kruse
Thomas Kruse
Kathleen Kruse
Helen C. Leis
(c 1914 - )
Francis E. Leis
(c 1917 - )
Harold A. Leis
(c 1919 - )
Anthony A. Leis
(c 1921 - )
Leonard G. Leis
(1921 - )
Loretta G. Schauf
(1923 - 2011)
Donna Leis
George Osner
Nancy Leis
Thomas Fisher
Randall Leis
Sharon Leis
Richard Stump
Louis A. Leis
(1924 - 1982)
Vonda R. (?)
(1929 - 2001)
Marla Leis
Joyce Leis
Janet Leis
Allen Leis
Linda Leis
Paula Leis
Lawrence J. Leis
(1927 - 1996)
Evelyn J. Schwartz
(1935 - 2008)
Joseph Leis
(1885 - 1962)
Caroline Schreck
(1882 - 1948)
Florian A. Leis
(1911 - 1973)
Dorothy F. Pauly
(1916 - 2006)
Edwin Leis
(c 1913 - )
Alma Leis
(c 1914 - )
Dorothy Leis
(c 1916 - )
Freidilene Leis
(c 1918 - )
Sophia Leis
(1891 - )
Andrew Leis
(1893 - )
Frank Leis
(1895 - )
George P. Leis
(1897 - 1981)
Sophia E. Schreck
(1899 - 2000)
James J. Leis
(1917 - 2004)
Quentin Leis
(c 1919 - )
Eileen C. Leis
(c 1921 - )
Vernon L. Leis
(1923 - 1953)
Gerald J. Leis
(1925 - )
Jerome P. Leis
(1925 - 1953)
Markita Leis
(c 1928 - )
Kenneth D. Leis
(1930 - 2007)
Louise H. (?)
(1923 - 2001)
William Leis
(1899 - 1904)
Ida Leis
(1903 - 1904)
Paul Leis
(1857 - )
Peter Leis
(1858 - a 1912)
Louise Thoma
Minnie Leis
(1883 - )
Rose Leis
(1886 - )
Frederick A. Leis
(1889 - 1951)
Florence Leis
(1891 - )
Cornelius Leis
(1896 - )
Alois Leis
(1898 - )
Adam S. Leis
(1860 - 1941)
Anna M. Westrich
(1867 - 1966)
Veronica I. Leis
(1894 - 1989)
John C. Miller
(1888 - 1983)
Norma J. Miller
Eldon F. Young
John Miller Jr
Deanna Bundschuh
Harold Miller
Barbara Hirl
Dorothy A. Miller
Paul J. Schaffer
Marcella Miller
Marcellus Geiger
Wilma Miller
(1918 - 2015)
George Bednarz
Sharon E. Bednarz
Terry O. Couvillion
(1944 - 2009)
Paul O. Couvillion
Rebecca S. Couvillion
Susan Bednarz
Carol Bednarz
Linda Bednarz
Bernetta M. Miller
Florian C. Daniel
(1919 - 2006)
David G. Daniel
Barbara J. Koch
Julie L. Wahl
Joshua D. Daniel
Alyssa K. Daniel
Geralyn M. Daniel
Jeff Schoewe
Becky Schoewe
Abby Schoewe
Andy Schoewe
Arden J. Miller
(1922 - 2013)
Mildred Schaffer
Steve Miller
Richard Miller
Thomas Miller
Dennis Miller
Margaret A. Miller
Gerald P. Stockmaster
Michael H. Stockmaster
Jamie L. Stockmaster
Brett H. Martin
Harriet C. Miller
Howard A. Hahler
Elden Miller
(1928 - 2008)
Fred W. Leis
(1896 - 1919)
Monica B. Leis
(1898 - 1978)
Cletus F. Gerber
(1899 - 1985)
Raymond Gerber
Patricia A. Gerber
Richard Gerber
Donald Gerber
Cletus Gerber Jr
Thelma Gerber
Myron Gerber
Dorothy Stefanik
Karen Gerber
Donna Gerber
Tracy Gerber
Christine Gerber
Michael Raftery
David Gerber
Judy M. Stierhoff
Angela Gerber
Trenton Gerber
Brian Gerber
Steven M. Gerber
Sandra L. Gerber
(1953 - 1993)
John F. Doering Jr
Elizabeth L. Doering
Joseph F. Doering
Doris Gerber
Gerald Gerber
(1927 - 1993)
Carl J. Leis
(1901 - 1923)
Alma E. A. Leis
(1905 - 1968)
Agnes S. Leis
(1907 - 1972)
George Leis
(1861 - 1888)
Mary A. Leis
(1864 - 1933)
Anthony J. Ruffing
(1865 - 1932)
Albert Ruffing
(1886 - 1975)
Rosa Stockmaster
(1887 - 1973)
Leo Ruffing
Anna M. Ruffing
Ferdinand Reinhart
Helen C. Ruffing
(1918 - 2009)
Richard O. Weidinger
(1916 - 2000)
Paul R. Weidinger
Shirley R. Brandt
Mark W. Weidinger
Martha J. McDaniel
Alvin R. Weidinger
Karen A. Depinet
Walter Ruffing
(1919 - 2001)
Berneice Daniels
(1922 - 1996)
Kathleen Ruffing
(?) Love
Norman Ruffing
Roger A. Ruffing
Virginia R. Stockmaster
Ryan A. Ruffing
Tina A. Shook
Lydia R. Ruffing
Ellery M. Ruffing
Amelia M. Ruffing
(1888 - )
Alfred Kocher
Clarence T. Ruffing
(1890 - )
Bertha A. Gerber
(1891 - 1971)
Gilbert Ruffing
Frances Ruffing
Harold Ruffing
Raymond J. Ruffing
(1924 - 2010)
Anna Shell
Donald Ruffing
Cynthia A. Gross
David J. Ruffing
Emily R. Ruffing
Michael T. Ruffing
Ed Ruffing
Kay Fox
Leo Ruffing
Jackye (?)
Kenneth Ruffing
Barbara (?)
Joan Ruffing
Sonny Garrett
Theresa Ruffing
Howard Wyrick
Darlene Ruffing
James Borton
Carol Ruffing
Ron Fluharty
Urban P. Ruffing
(1953 - 1988)
Cheryl Blythe
Urban A. Ruffing
(1893 - 1963)
Mary R. Mirtes
(1897 - 1965)
Clemence Ruffing
(1897 - 1973)
Bertha M. Schank
(1898 - 1981)
Sylvester A. Ruffing
(1919 - 1971)
Delores E. Koch
(1921 - 1977)
Marjorie A. Ruffing
Thomas E. Ruffing
Marcia R. Ruffing
Eugene J. Beamer
Rosalie A. Beamer
Connie S. Beamer
Bernard E. Beamer
Christine M. Beamer
Pamela S. Ruffing
Donald J. Fritz Jr.
Eric J. Fritz
Leslie E. Fritz
Michael L. Ruffing
Karen Pifer
Gerald W. Ruffing
Marcella M. Ruffing
Ralph R. Huffman
Brenda S. Huffman
Jack C. Ziegler
Jacob H. Ziegler
Sarah A. Ziegler
Kathleen A. Huffman
Thomas E. Schart
Amanda Schart
Adam M. Schart
Brian Schart
Carrie A. Schart
Cynthia R. Huffman
Lowell J. Scheid
Nathan Scheid
Elisha Scheid
Brandon Scheid
Ericka Scheid
Patricia L. Huffman
Michael P. Stevens
Mark Stevens
Benjamin Stevens
Andrew Stevens
Rhonda M. Huffman
Thomas L. Joseph
Richard C. Ruffing
(1922 - 1976)
Alice M. Meyer
(1921 - 1995)
James R. Ruffing
Vicki J. Boyer
Patrick J. Ruffing
Ashley J. Ruffing
Jason T. Ruffing
Ronald U. Ruffing
Brenda J. Thomas
Andrea M. Ruffing
Jeremy M. Ruffing
Scott D. Ruffing
Terry Ruffing
Sheila Kluding
Nicole M. Ruffing
Wilbur S. Ruffing
(1925 - 2002)
Martha J. Schreiner
(1925 - 2012)
Paula J. Ruffing
Curtis Karr
Scott E. Karr
Megan C. Karr
Kindra J. Karr
Eric M. Karr
William A. Ruffing
Susan K. Mahl
Mark A. Ruffing
Tracy R. Weiker
Blake A. Ruffing
Brian Ruffing
Gerald J. Ruffing
Pamela Albright
Jason G. Ruffing
Heather J. Ruffing
Robert E. Ruffing
Janet Gamble
Sarah E. Ruffing
Dennis P. Ruffing
Diana Fadley
Verna M. Ruffing
Thomas A. Sanger
(1904 - 1982)
Stephen T. Sanger
Cheryl A. Sanger
(?) Osborn
Craig A. Sanger
Norma J. Ruffing
Ray Echelberry
Mary A. Ruffing
Robert Neidermier
Michelle Neidermier
Larry Smeltz
Casandra Smeltz
Jill Smeltz
Valerie Neidermier
Tracy A. Neidermier
Stephen F. Depinet
Joshua Depinet
Corey Depinet
Bradley Neidermier
Troy Neidermier
Marlene Ruffing
William Cleland
Trent A. Cleland
Gay I. Cleland
Terry Hines
Brandi L. Hines
Nicole M. Hines
Dennis J. Alt
Amber M. Alt
Marlee K. Alt
Kelly A. Cleland
Mark Depinet
Justin E. Depinet
Angela N. Cleland
Anthony Leis
(1864 - 1952)
Mary E. Miller
(1872 - 1962)
Howard L. Leis
( - 1999)
Frances R. Haas
Susan R. Leis
William R. Birri
Diana Leis
Christopher Delker
Leroy L. Leis
Joseph Leis
( - 1943)
Tonya M. Leis
(?) Bruce
Sharon A. Leis
Rosella Leis
(1897 - 1983)
Herbert E. Adelman
(1899 - 1968)
Verena A. Leis
(1899 - 1989)
Armena O. Leis
(1900 - 1902)
Corrine Leis
(1903 - 1964)
Edwin A. Phillips
(1901 - 1976)
(?) Phillips
Wade Fiegelist
(?) Phillips
Joseph Reinhart
Alice Phillips
Paul Siesel
Leonard Phillips
Florian J. Leis
(1906 - 1981)
Alma T. Schneider
(1912 - 2004)
Karen Leis
Kenneth Depinet
Marlene Leis
Eldon Sealey
Dolores Leis
John Patrick
Robert J. Leis
Mary L. Smith
Herbert Leis
(1908 - 1982)
Loretta C. Morman
(1911 - 2010)
Jerry Leis
Rita Leis
Harry Leis
Donald Leis
Paul Leis
Nancy K. Butturff
Sophia Leis
(1866 - 1914)
Anthony Braun
(1860 - 1953)
Walter T. Brown
(1892 - 1964)
Rose J. Miller
(1892 - 1989)
Mildred Brown
(?) Hiler
Florence V. Brown
(1917 - 2000)
Gilbert S. Hahler
(1912 - 1997)
Valeria M. Brown
Aloysius A. Daniel
(1917 - 1999)
Richard A. Daniel
Marcene A. Herr
Lisa K. Daniel
Norma J. Daniel
Raymond W. King
Lori A. King
Dennis R. Daniel
(1951 - 1970)
Thomas J. Daniel
Shelly (?)
Bernard A. Brown
(1923 - 1981)
Florence A. Hahler
Justine M. Brown
Raymond T. Wise
(1921 - 2011)
Sharon S. Wise
Bernard J. Breidenbach Jr
Michelle L. Breidenbach
Gregory M. Breidenbach
Amy C. Breidenbach
Stephen R. Wise
Maureen C. Haskell
Kathleen J. Wise
Bradley J. Aller
Marlene R. Wise
Timothy J. Iannantuono
Kevin Wise
Irene Brown
Julius J. Wise
(1926 - 2009)
Janice Wise
Marvin Wise
Robert Wise
Linda R. Wise
Ronald A. Bischoff
Sandra K. Wise
Karl D. Weaver
Theodore Weaver
Joseph R. Weaver
Jull M. Weaver
Judith A. Wise
Travis P. Daniel
Anna C. Braun
(1896 - )
Ralph Myers
(1892 - 1964)
Alvin J. Myers
Helen Siesel
Ronald A. Myers
Susan M. Kamann
Elaine V. Myers
Helen Leis
(1867 - 1954)
Margaret M. Leis
(1869 - 1943)
Frank H. Gerdeman
(1862 - 1931)
Appolonia E. Gerdeman
(1891 - )
Eleanor A. Gerdeman
(1892 - 1945)
Helen I. Gerdeman
(1895 - )
Rose E. Gerdeman
(1896 - )
Ralph O. Gerdeman
(1898 - )
Florence A. Gerdeman
(1900 - )
Michael Leis
(1871 - )
Anna V. Leis
(1872 - 1948)
Anthony P. Korb
(1875 - )
Ottilia Leis
(1877 - 1960)
Rosa Leis
(1880 - 1965)
Jacob Frisch
(1836 - 1837)
Elizabeth Frisch
(1837 - 1899)
Peter Schwartz
(1831 - 1889)
Mary Schwartz
(c 1861 - )
John Schwartz
(c 1864 - )
Catherine Schwartz
(c 1866 - )
Odelia Schwartz
(c 1870 - )
Peter Schwartz
(c 1873 - )
Joseph Schwartz
(c 1875 - )
Jacob Frisch
(1840 - 1918)
Caroline Becker
(c 1844 - 1908)
Jacob A. Frisch
(1869 - 1929)
Mary A. Didion
(1866 - 1957)
Maria R. Frisch
(1870 - )
(?) Krebs
John H. Frisch
(1872 - 1895)
Anna C. Frisch
(1874 - 1921)
Margaret V. Frisch
(1877 - 1955)
John F. Hettel
(1858 - )
Joseph M. Frisch
(1879 - 1938)
Laura C. Copping
(1880 - 1933)
Angelina M. Frisch
(1881 - 1898)
Mary M. Frisch
(1883 - 1918)
Rosa T. Frisch
(1885 - 1967)
Charles J. Schlachter
(1886 - 1967)
Mary Schlachter
Anna Schlachter
William E. Frisch
(1889 - )
Anna T. Rauch
( - 1920)
Philippina Frisch
(1842 - 1916)
George Hay
(1839 - 1891)
Jacob Hay
(1868 - 1943)
Odelia C. Bauman
(1871 - 1895)
Catherine Miller
(1874 - 1931)
Roselia M. Hay
(1898 - 1985)
Leon Phillips
(1896 - 1956)
Bernardine Phillips
Edward J. Phillips
Norbert J. Phillips
Bernadette Phillips
Ida M. Phillips
(1920 - 2005)
Donald E. Fries
(1917 - 2006)
Kenneth F. Fries
Michael Fries
Mary Fries
Bernard E. Fries
Joseph L. Fries
Thomas C. Fries
Mildred C. Phillips
(1923 - 2002)
(?) Lonz
Agnes L. Phillips
(1929 - 2003)
Howard L. Phillips
(1937 - 2005)
Carol A. Rotruck
(1942 - 1992)
James A. Phillips
Krista A. Gurney
Randall L. Phillips
Donna L. Leddick
Ann M. Phillips
James Heibertshausen
Joan C. Englert
Amelia P. Hay
(1899 - 1988)
Michael Beat
(1892 - 1972)
Walter Beat
Catherine Beat
Jack Krause
Clarence Beat
Harold Beat
Herbert L. Beat
(1926 - 1979)
Olivia Hay
(1904 - 1995)
Joseph Beat
(1901 - 1995)
Roseanna Beat
(?) Gevelinger
Herman Beat
Irene Beat
(1939 - )
Cletus J. Hay
(1906 - 1989)
Loretta M. Swartz
(1910 - 1986)
Luetta Hay
(1932 - 2005)
Albert J. Bischoff
(1922 - 2008)
Loretta P. Hay
(1932 - 2007)
Edward F. Zoeller Jr
Dale J. Zoeller
Carolyn J. Shetterly
Stephen E. Zoeller
Christina M. Smith
Mary R. Zoeller
Ronnie J. Kinn
Dennis J. Zoeller
Anita M. Zellner
Frances Hay
(1936 - 2008)
Dwayne C. Snay
(1934 - 2005)
Cynthia Snay
Joseph Zidarin
Jane Snay
Thomas Phillips
Cletus Snay
Sarah Snay
Brian Snay
Wayne Snay
Agnes M. Hay
(1908 - 2001)
Alfred L. Miller
(1907 - 1970)
Clayton Miller
Marilyn M. (?)
Bertha Miller
Terry Eisenhauer
Rose Miller
Leroy Nelson
Rev. Joseph E. Miller
Paul J. Miller
Debbie (?)
Charles Miller
Anita (?)
Ann Miller
(?) Porteus
Rita Miller
Frank Smith
Catherine Miller
Jeff McConnell
Bernadette Miller
Herbert C. Stockmaster
(1938 - 2004)
Michael C. Stockmaster
Belinda (?)
Stephen F. Stockmaster
Debra (?)
Jacqueline Stockmaster
Jason Barton
Helen Miller
Dale Gasteier
Martha Miller
(?) Turner
Eugene A. Miller
(1936 - 1936)
Allen Hay
(1912 - 1993)
Gertrude E. Weis
(1924 - 1992)
Sr. Dianne Hay
Clarice Hay
David Anderson
Carol A. Hay
Karl Schaaf
Aloysius J. Hay
Rosalia S. Hay
(1870 - 1894)
Mary E. Hay
(1873 - 1918)
Joseph G. Miller
(1869 - 1957)
Clarence G. Miller
(1904 - 1983)
Coletta Reinhart
James A. Miller
Susan Hickok
Denise Miller
Victoria Hay
(1875 - 1939)
Henry Mahl
(1872 - 1917)
Alphonse H. Mahl
(1903 - 1961)
Lucille A. (?)
(1907 - 1991)
Elbert Hay
(1877 - 1877)
Frances D. Hay
(1879 - 1893)
Peter F. Hay
(1881 - 1919)
Rosalia Didion
(1879 - 1951)
Helena G. Hay
(1906 - 1974)
Willard F. Ott
( - 1990)
Raymond J. Hay
(1908 - 1975)
Edna M. Dick
(1905 - )
Donald C. Hay
(1933 - 1995)
Mary E. Royce
(1933 - )
Donald C. Hay Jr.
(1953 - 1994)
Shirley M. Bloomberg
(1938 - 1988)
Jeanette G. Siesel
Leonard J. Hay
(1936 - 1968)
Loretta E. Hay
(1910 - 2002)
Raymond A. Pheifer
(1916 - 1990)
Catherine V. Hay
(1911 - 1937)
Clarence A. Hay
(1915 - 1982)
Justina E. Pifher
(1912 - 2015)
Patricia Hay
Judy Hay
Mary Hay
Ann Hay
Norma R. Hay
(1956 - 1974)
John P. Hay
(1883 - 1961)
Marie A. Hettell
(1884 - 1944)
Eugene Hay
( - b 1961)
Leon G. Hay
(1911 - 1960)
Rose M. Hipp
(1913 - 2003)
Larry Hay
Kathleen M. Hay
Dean R. Miller
(1939 - 2016)
Stacy Miller
Steve Ward
Scott Miller
Shawn Miller
Sandra M. Hay
Gerald B. Risner
Frederic J. Hay
(1937 - 2011)
Shirley A. Steinmetz
(1937 - 2000)
Kenneth W. Hay
Michelle M. Hay
Rebecca J. Hay
Anthony Machiusi
Renee L. Hay
Steve Bridgford
Barbara A. Hay
(1938 - 2009)
Franklin J. Risner
Richard A. Risner
Brenda L. Lahr
David Risner
Daniel Risner
Shannon Risner
Kendra Risner
Randall L. Risner
Robert R. Risner
Emelia Risner
Dylan Risner
Mason Risner
Dennis L. Hay
(1941 - 2007)
Rita Gilbert
(1941 - 2015)
Jodi Hay
Charles Gaietto
Jeffrey Hay
Sharon Hay
(1943 - 2010)
Charles Durnwald
Debra A. Durnwald
Chris J. Fife
Kyleigh Fife
Larry Rotruck
Daniel Durnwald
Vicky M. Dunnan
Douglas C. Durnwald
Amy L. Strausbaugh
Steven P. Hay
Cheryl A. Dendinger
Joseph G. Hay
(1912 - 1996)
Alice A. Morman
(1917 - 2009)
Ruth Hay
Dennis Meade
Sr. Janet Hay
Thomas Hay
Lucy (?)
Kenneth Hay
Donna (?)
Marcella J. Hay
(1916 - 2011)
Arthur M. Miller
(1915 - 1996)
John C. Miller
Mary R. Miller
Patricia A. Miller
Angela M. Miller
Richard A. Miller
( - 1945)
Thomas S. Miller
Ronald A. Miller
Arthur M. Miller
William A. Miller
Eugene L. Miller
(1939 - 1952)
Martin E. Miller
(1952 - 1952)
Herman J. Hay
(1917 - 1983)
Helen B. Wise
(1918 - 2002)
Grace Hay
Scott Whitehurst
James Hay
Bonnie (?)
Jeffrey Hay
Mary J. Hay
William Buchanan
Carolyn Hay
Jack Meyer
Michael Hay
(1953 - 1999)
Marty Hay
David Nighswander
Robert O. Hay
(1920 - 1972)
Cecelia Didion
Charles Hay
Roberta Hay
Robert Snowden Jr
Beverly Hay
Lance Spreeman
Dorothy A. Hay
(1922 - 1989)
Carl R. Stockmaster
(1916 - 1996)
James Stockmaster
Marge Stockmaster
Gerald Stockmaster
Linda Stockmaster
Thomas Albright
Marcia Stockmaster
(1953 - 2004)
Helen P. Hay
(1888 - 1981)
Leo B. Beat
(1891 - 1945)
Catherine R. Frisch
(1844 - 1900)
James Baker
(1839 - 1926)
John S. Baker
(1869 - 1923)
Margaret Bayer
(1865 - 1940)
Katherine Baker
(1883 - )
Finis E. Hilton
(c 1882 - )
Jacob Baker
(1870 - 1957)
Mary Gladell
(1875 - 1963)
Barbara Baker
(?) Fenske
Angelina R. Baker
(1897 - 1988)
Charles F. Lang
(1888 - 1950)
James Lang
Lloyd A. Lang
(1918 - 2008)
Mary J. Lang
(c 1920 - )
Charles P. Lang
(c 1924 - )
Lawrence Baker
(c 1898 - )
James B. Baker
(1898 - 1995)
Jane H. (?)
(1913 - 1984)
Mary J. Baker
(c 1900 - )
Joseph B. Baker
(1903 - 1978)
Catherine Baker
(1905 - 1998)
(?) Merritt
John Baker
(c 1906 - )
Margaret Boyer
Benjamin Baker
(1909 - 1991)
Frank W. Baker
(1911 - 1986)
Mary M. Nimsick
(1919 - 2006)
David W. Baker
Virginia Miller
Mary L. Baker
(1940 - 1942)
Stephen A. Baker
(1943 - 1996)
Brenda Gamble
Mary Baker
Mark P. Baker
(1977 - 2001)
Joseph F. Baker
(1945 - 1945)
Dorothy Baker
(1947 - 1988)
Margaret Baker
(?) Cendroski
Margaret Baker
(1918 - 1983)
Cliff Johnson
Margie Johnson
Catharine Baker
(1872 - )
Joseph Baker
(1874 - c 1946)
Peter Baker
(1877 - 1914)
Ellen O'Connor
(c 1882 - )
Francis A. Baker
(c 1904 - )
Patrick F. Baker
(c 1906 - )
Anna M. Baker
(c 1908 - )
William M. Baker
(1879 - 1956)
Mary M. Briner
(c 1883 - 1958)
Rose C. Baker
(c 1903 - )
John P. Reidle
Nannie M. Baker
(c 1904 - )
Gertrude M. Baker
(c 1907 - )
John J. Baker
(c 1909 - )
Mary A. Baker
(1882 - 1967)
Patrick Jennett
(1863 - 1931)
James Jennett
(1901 - 1948)
Marie Jennett
(1903 - 1966)
Catherine Jennett
(1905 - 1927)
Richard Jennett
(1908 - 1917)
Margaret E. Jennett
Robert Miller
(c 1905 - )
Daniel T. Jennett
(1914 - 1969)
Mary A. Flehmer
(c 1916 - )
Clara E. Baker
(1884 - 1970)
Vincent M. Schembera
(1883 - 1946)
Rosa T. Schembera
(1909 - 1993)
Sam Barkoski
(1905 - 1973)
Carol A. Barkoski
Carl E. Bode
Donna M. Barkoski
Walter Byers
James I. Schembera
(1911 - 1975)
Iva R. Foxworthy
Helen L. Schembera
Carl Clevenger
David J. Schembera
Betty J. Wuthrich
Kristine R. Schembera
(1968 - 2013)
Cristina Y. Schembera
Isaac B. Nolte
Veronica Nolte
Brian D. Schembera
Darla C. Ables
Shane Schembera
Dillon Schembera
Megan Schembera
Treasa M. Schembera
(1916 - 2005)
Charles Livingston
Mary M. Schembera
Paul E. Twigger
Mary K. Schembera
(1918 - 1989)
Charles N. Humbard
(1916 - 1980)
Lucille M. Humbard
Ron Peak
Glen Pennell
Edith M. Humbard
Richard C. James
Cecil N. Humbard
Deborah A. Layton
Catherine Baker
(1887 - 1956)
Albert A. Kutz
(1885 - 1963)
Edmund A. Kutz
Marie E. Blinzler
(1911 - 1987)
Mary Kutz
Thomas J. Canady
(1926 - 1992)
Lorene Canady
Thomas A. Canady
Raymond L. Kutz
(1914 - 1985)
Edith M. Edwards
(1921 - 1988)
John Frisch
(1847 - 1916)
Odelia Hahl
(1853 - 1929)
Anna M. Frisch
(1871 - 1937)
Peter Laeng
(1862 - 1949)
John A. Laeng
(c 1890 - )
Amelia C. Laeng
(c 1894 - )
Mary M. Laeng
(c 1898 - )
Peter M. Laeng
(c 1900 - )
Genevieve L. Laeng
(c 1902 - )
Albert A. Laeng
(c 1905 - )
George W. Laeng
(c 1907 - )
Clara M. Laeng
(c 1909 - )
John S. Frisch Jr
(1873 - 1950)
Rose Fetterman
(1894 - 1953)
Odelia Frisch
(1878 - )
(?) Wallick
George Frisch
(1880 - 1958)
Cora M. Howey
(1884 - 1966)
Helen Frisch
Leonard Markle
Fred P. Frisch
(1884 - 1944)
Dorothy M. Moyer
(1895 - 1923)
John Frisch
Fred G. Frisch
(1916 - 1974)
Marie E. Carlock
(1918 - 1996)
Judy Frisch
Rita Frisch
Phillip Williams
Cathy Frisch
Danny Yontz
Leona Frisch
William Dean
Mary Frisch
Alfred Sawyer
Fred C. Frisch
Dean A. Frisch
Marie J. Frisch
(1938 - 2015)
(?) Lee
John Lee
Margaret E. Frisch
(1943 - 1943)
John J. Frisch
(1944 - 2013)
Paul J. Frisch
(1920 - 2003)
Daniel T. Frisch
(1921 - 2010)
Mary M. Eberl
(1921 - )
Barbara Frisch
Donald Garman
Dolores Frisch
Delmos DeFriece
(1945 - 2005)
Anna Frisch
David Balmert
Lenny Frisch
Linda (?)
Thomas Frisch
Brenda (?)
David Frisch
Luann (?)
James Frisch
Julie (?)
Agnes M. Frisch
(1923 - 1953)
Porter Harvey
Sadie Hoberg
Albert J. Frisch
(1886 - 1957)
Irene A. Moyer
(1893 - 1965)
Edna Frisch
Walter Wise
Donald E. Wise
(1946 - 2012)
Marlene M. Fought
Tracy M. Wise
Jason J. Hamilton
Dorothy Frisch
James Jensen
Eugene Frisch
Alton Frisch
Bernita M. Frisch
(1923 - 2002)
Leland A. Bowers
(1921 - 1993)
Scott Bowers
James A. Bowers
Susan J. Kaufman
Rebecca S. Bowers
Dennis J. Bowers
Dennis G. Bowers
(1947 - 1948)
Charles A. Frisch
(1928 - 2005)
Norma J. Japsen
(1931 - 2010)
Michael Frisch
Jane (?)
Barbara Frisch
David Frisch
Patricia (?)
Charlene Frisch
Edward Petersen
Diane Frisch
Margaret J. Chittich
(1872 - 1937)
Joseph Frisch
(1849 - 1903)
Anna M. Hahl
(1857 - 1940)
Anna M. Frisch
(1875 - 1939)
Aloysius F. Daniel
(1868 - 1947)
Carl G. Daniel
(1901 - 1995)
Theresa R. Beat
(1905 - 1993)
Dorothy A. Daniel
Urban A. Arbogast
Virginia A. Arbogast
Larry C. Schock
Denise M. Schock
Anthony C. Schock
David Robinson
Alice R. Arbogast
Christopher O. Mugrage
Phillip A. Mugrage
Jason M. Mugrage
Pauline M. Arbogast
Michael Sparkman
Honey M. Sparkman
Michael D. Sparkman
Samuel Fey
Samantha E. Fey
Dolly A. Fey
Helen L. Arbogast
James E. Lemmerman
Jami J. Lemmerman
Joshua D. Lemmerman
Susan T. Arbogast
David L. Robison
(1954 - 2011)
Tobey D. Robinso
Christopher S. Robison
Doris M. Arbogast
Bruce P. Lambert
Melissa A. Lambert
Laura M. Lambert
Matthew P. Lambert
Sheena M. Lambert
Angela M. Arbogast
Dennis A. Roush
Eric D. Roush
Aaron P. Roush
Janice E. Arbogast
Donald E. Roush
Ryan W. Roush
Kenneth E. Miller
Bradley A. Miller
Timothy J. Miller
Patricia L. Arbogast
Staley M. Tolbert
Cory M. Tolbert
Catrina N. Tolbert
June E. Arbogast
Joseph E. Conrad
Kendall O. Conrad
Donald Eveland
Nicole R. Eveland
Chelsea J. Eveland
Linda K. Arbogast
Christopher Barger
Amanda M. Barger
Theresa A. Barger
Betty J. Arbogast
James Bassett Jr.
David A. Arbogast
(1971 - 1971)
Vincent C. Daniels
(1929 - 1931)
Joseph M. Daniel
Mary L. Reinhart
Joanne M. Daniel
Michael J. Reinhart
Kerstin M. Reinhart
Craig E. Reinhart
Karis A. Reinhart
Robert P. Daniel
Teresa Granata
Joseph R. Daniel
Luana D. Daniel
John C. Coppus
Christa Coppus
Calli J. Coppus
Germaine H. Daniel
(1932 - 2003)
Gilbert H. Vent
(1926 - 1987)
Theresa M. Vent
Timothy Corfman
Judith A. Vent
Terry J. Swartz
Joseph H. Vent
Timothy J. Vent
Norman L. Daniel
Donna M. Arend
Nancy J. Daniel
David L. Hurley
Theresa R. Hurley
Bradley D. Hurley
Christina M. Hurley
Donald J. Daniel
Karen M. Luhring
Andrea D. Daniel
Carl J. Daniel
Eric T. Daniel
Julia M. Daniel
Laura A. Daniel
Daniel L. Buckingham
Brian D. Buckingham
Mark A. Buckingham
Michael L. Buckingham
Lisa A. Buckingham
David J. Daniel
(1961 - 1961)
Eugene P. Daniel
Vicky R. Strojny
Annette M. Daniel
Jill E. Daniel
Heather A. Daniel
Roger A. Daniel
Melissa Marvin
Lindsay M. Daniel
Jane M. Daniel
Ron Coleman
Danielle N. Coleman
Carrie J. Coleman
Mary B. Daniel
Michael Strabele
Stephen J. Daniel
Cynthia M. Pawlikowski
Susan L. Daniel
Joseph D. Reinhart
Mary L. Daniel
Richard C. Distel
(1931 - 2007)
Diane M. Distel
James D. Baker
Nicholas J. Baker
Evan E. Baker
Daniel L. Distel
Matthew A. Distel
Michelle M. Houck
Melissa S. Distel
Meranda M. Distel
Michael J. Distel
Mitchel A. Distel
Martin R. Distel
Gregory A. Distel
Ruth McCue
Jennifer L. Distel
Adam G. Distel
Erika E. Distel
Sara C. Distel
Samuel VanHorn
Luke S. VanHorn
Mark M. VanHorn
Barbara T. Distel
(1966 - 1987)
Larry C. Distel
Margaret R. Daniel
Richard King
Richard J. King
Pamela A. Quey
Caitlin R. King
baby King
(1965 - 1965)
Rodney D. King
Melissa A. King
John E. Daniel
Nancy M. Kuhlman
Kenneth J. Daniel
Connie Crown
Casey Daniel
Matthew Daniel
Jay E. Daniel
Tammy A. Daniel
Ronald J. Daniel
Rose Shaver
Michelle Daniel
Blanca Daniel
Marie Daniel
John R. Daniel
Peggy R. Daniel
Jeannie M. Daniel
Pamela J. Daniel
Elizabeth M. Daniel
Martha L. Daniel
Andrew J. Daniel
Paul T. Daniel
Carol S. Frisch
(1946 - 2007)
Thomas P. Daniel
Piedad Margarita "Margie" Garza
Bianca E. Daniel
Brian J. Daniel
Faith A. Dotson
Michael D. Daniel
Annie Frazier
Christopher M. Daniel
Beth A. Daniel
Allen Lambert
Scott C. Daniel
Barbara J. Daniel
Jerry R. Lemmerman
Julie L. Lemmerman
John R. Lemmerman
Vicky Hodgson
Jacqueline K. Lemmerman
Phil Blackburn
Jack W. Blackburn
Nick T. Blackburn
Ida C. Daniel
(1903 - 1906)
Hilda M. Daniel
(1904 - 1952)
William P. Lucius
(1900 - 1988)
Daniel A. Lucius
(1927 - 1930)
Henry G. Lucius
(1930 - 1930)
Arthur W. Lucius
(1931 - 1931)
Marilyn A. Lucius
Kenneth W. Brickner
(1928 - 1971)
Daniel L. Brickner
Doris Sweeney
Daniel M. Brickner
Ashley N. Brickner
Theresa A. Brickner
Gregory A. Roberts
Kenneth A. Roberts
Angela M. Brickner
Terry L. Helmer
Nicholas A. Helmer
Matthew J. Helmer
Louis W. Brickner
Neica L. Helkey
Abri K. Brickner
Philip E. Brickner
William C. Lucius
Ruth A. Schwartzmiller
Laura S. Lucius
Michael Cataldo
Deborah L. Cataldo
William C. Lucius
Joseph A. Lucius
(1939 - 1939)
Helen R. Daniel
(1906 - 1908)
Emma R. Daniel
(1907 - 1996)
Harold T. Young
Roger D. Young
Charleen Kilgus
Michelle M. Young
David A. Edgerton
Amanda E. Edgerton
Ryan Edgerton
Denise M. Young
Lynda M. Young
Mary J. Young
James C. Annarino
Jeanette M. Annarino
Frank J. Latendresse
Emily J. Annarino
Bruce M. Whitala
Jill J. Annarino
Dennis A. Young
Dorothy A. Behuniak
Daria M. Young
Dennis T. Young
Anna M. Daniel
(1909 - 1986)
Arthur J. Houck Jr.
(1910 - 1950)
James A. Houck
Nancy L. Costello
Beth A. Houck
Barbara A. Houck
Scott Creed
James V. Houck
Amy M. Houck
Jean A. Houck
James F. Carey
Michael J. Carey
Daniel A. Carey
Kathleen A. Carey
Victor J. Daniel
(1911 - 1979)
Lena M. Schock
(1912 - 1993)
George J. Daniel
(1938 - 2006)
Doris M. Lilley
James J. Daniel
Renee E. Omlor
Samuel J. Daniel
Jennifer N. Daniel
Rachael R. Daniel
Jacob D. Daniel
Sarah Von Blon
Cora O. Daniel
Richard A. Daniel
Kim Shrewsbury
Katherine M. Daniel
Susan E. Daniel
Julie Daniel
Michael Schetter
Andrea M. Schetter
Jessica A. Schetter
Theresa A. Daniel
Edward (?) Clark
Jessica Clark
Tiffany Clark
William T. Daniel
Christine R. Walton
Carol J. Daniel
Terry Iannantuono
Matthew Iannantuono
Bradley J. Iannantuono
Anna M. Daniel
Floyd Bouillon
(1933 - 1975)
Marie M. Bouillon
Gary M. Schalk
Jacob M. Schalk
Elizabeth A. Bouillon
Kenneth R. Hammer
Lucas R. Hammer
Corrine M. Hammer
Sharon S. Bouillon
Jeffrey D. Perry
Amanda K. Perry
Christopher D. Perry
Allison K. Perry
Randall J. Bouillon
Michiko Chinen
Aimi E. Bouillon
Erica S. Bouillon
Marina M. Bouillon
Floyd J. Bouillon
Kristine R. Bouillon
Jeffrey A. Lucius
Stacy M. Lucius
Kimber E. Lucius
Nicholas J. Lucius
Frederick V. Elchert
Evelyn E. Daniel
Edward A. Daniel
Shirley B. Nye
(1947 - 2000)
Amy J. Daniel
Anthony Lombardi
Colin J. Lombardi
Sara L. Daniel
Ronald D. Brown
Michelle Brown
Jacqueline R. Daniel
Mike Ewald
Gwenn M. Daniel
Brian Weikert
Kathleen M. Daniel
William C. Meyer
Timothy Meyer
Matthew F. Meyer
Lena M. Meyer
Victor J. Meyer
Charles P. Meyer
Mary E. Daniel
Wayne H. Groweg
Robert A. Groweg
John M. Groweg
Daniel W. Groweg
Thomas W. Daniel
Denice M. Nye
Christopher E. Daniel
Kimberly A. Daniel
Tonya D. Daniel
Nathaniel R. Daniel
Nichole E. Daniel
Maggie P. Daniel
Melinda K. Daniel
Stephen M. Daniel
Samantha M. Daniel
Bradley J. Daniel
Emilena L. Daniel
Aleta K. Daniel
Alexander Daniel
Angelena N. Daniel
(1999 - 1999)
Michael V. Daniel
Deborah A. Runion
Rodney M. Daniel
Stephanie A. Daniel
Michael Rohrbach
Kane M. Daniel
Mark S. Daniel
Jeffrey J. Daniel
Victoria A. Daniel
James P. Lauer
Danielle K. Lauer
Laura M. Lauer
Patricia D. Lauer
James F. Lauer
Dorothy M. Daniel
(1913 - 1925)
Catherine O. Frisch
(1877 - 1955)
Edgar N. Daniel
(1877 - 1942)
Florian N. Daniel
(1903 - 1990)
Amelia C. Wise
(1894 - 1969)
Catherine F. Daniel
Donald R. Egbert
(1920 - 1965)
Donna K. Egbert
John M. Fox
Donald R. Fox
Del R. Fox
Larry T. Egbert
Beatrice I. Willman
Jennifer A. Egbert
Melody A. Egbert
Angela M. Egbert
Raymond R. Daniel
Freda E. Wenner
(1925 - 1989)
Rae M. E. Daniel
Charles L. Tyler
Brian C. Tyler
Pamela R. Tyler
Paulette A. Daniel
Frederick J. Gasteier
Clarence R. Wicker
Amber J. Wicker
Walter Schneider
James O. Daniel
Joyce A. Pittenger
Kelly J. Daniel
James R. Daniel
David L. Daniel
Amy J. Daniel
William Parsons
Howard L. Daniel
Mary C. Watruba
Edward L. Daniel
Susan K. Daniel
Earl J. Daniel
Virginia M. Colvin
Charles E. Daniel
Marianne Ladd
Thomas R. Daniel
Exie M. Hopkins
David R. Daniel
Dorothy A. Daniel
Janet M. Daniel
Delbert E. Daniel
(1931 - 2014)
Nancy A. Miller
Kathleen A. Daniel
Kenneth E. Daniel
Ronald E. Daniel
Mardella E. Daniel
(1933 - 2007)
Raymond H. Smoot
(1933 - 2007)
Gary R. Smoot
Crista M. Smoot
Gary A. Heibertshausen
Brian A. Heibertshausen
Tayan S. Husing
Gerald E. Smoot
Nancy L. Predieri
Frances H. Daniel
(1906 - 1992)
William A. Dendinger
(1899 - 1974)
Anna M. Dendinger
Richard F. Meyer
(1921 - 1994)
Raymond E. Meyer
Marlene S. Claus
Craig Meyer
Catherine M. Meyer
Michael C. Savage
Kevin Meyer
(1983 - 2010)
Julie DeCicco
Eugene Dendinger
Inez Fuchs
Sylvester M. Dendinger
(1927 - 2009)
Dolores A. Stockmaster
(1928 - 1992)
Cheryl A. Dendinger
Steven P. Hay
Barbara J. Dendinger
Dennis D. Lawrence
Rebecca L. Lawrence
Nancy L. Dendinger
Richard S. Brown
Heather T. Brown
Naomi L. Brown
James Swartz
William P. Dendinger
Sue (?)
Charles G. Dendinger
Vickie L. Kegerreis
Dee Dendinger
Charles Dendinger Jr.
Sara Dendinger
Whitney Dendinger
Sylvester Dendinger
Kenneth M. Dendinger
Mary (?)
Laura E. Dendinger
Frank Berberick
David L. Dendinger
Marcy (?)
Eleanor Channel
(c 1927 - 2004)
Roman J. Daniel
(1908 - 1988)
Martha E. Schank
(1913 - 2001)
Diana M. Daniel
Edward L. Kelbley
Annette M. Kelbley
Michael E. Kelbley
Christopher R. Kelbley
Allan J. Daniel
Vicki L. Davis
Nikole L. Daniel
Lenus O. Daniel
(1910 - 1970)
Agnes Daniel
(1911 - 1914)
Lucy A. Daniels
(1920 - 1943)
Frank X. Frisch Sr
(1880 - 1942)
Catherine M. Schreiner
(1888 - 1983)
Leo J. Frisch
(1908 - 1986)
Henrietta J. Missler
(1910 - 1997)
Wilfred L. Frisch
(1935 - 2014)
JoAnn L. Miller
Jackie L. Frisch
Steve C. Thomas
Katrina L. Frisch
Lowell R. Morrison
Heather J. Morrison
Marc L. Frisch
Nancy R. Hohman
(1943 - 2011)
Dawn L. Frisch
Lois A. Cupp
Mardelle J. Frisch
Morris W. Stone
Patricia L. Stone
Pamela S. Stone
Michelle L. Stone
Leonard H. Frisch
Mary J. Raitz
Richard A. Frisch
Ronald A. Frisch
Eileen R. Bouillon
Shirley R. Frisch
John C. Schultz
Guy A. Schultz
Lee J. Schultz
Eleanor R. Frisch
(1910 - 1996)
Carl L. Alt
(1909 - 1992)
Elizabeth A. Alt
Walter Thiery
Lucille M. Alt
John R. Huff
John A. Alt
Anne E. Frisch
(1911 - 1968)
John E. Guloski
(1905 - 1964)
Agnes M. Guloski
(c 1935 - 1935)
Margaret A. Guloski
(1937 - 2004)
Donald C. Kegerreis Sr
Donald C. Kegerreis Jr
Vickie L. Kegerreis
Charles G. Dendinger
Bryan K. Kegerreis
Phyllis M. Guloski
Paul F. Ruhlman
Bradley A. Ruhlman
Floyd J. Barnhart
John E. Guloski
(1947 - )
Linda J. Rodgers
Lawrence J. Frisch
(1913 - 1959)
Marjorie A. Parks
Rosalie C. Frisch
(1915 - 1992)
Anthony E. Stockmaster
(1909 - 1990)
Robert Stockmaster
Charles Stockmaster
Walter Stockmaster
Eugene Stockmaster
Gertrude J. Stockmaster
James R. McPherson
Rita Stockmaster
Gary Strecker
Marilyn Stockmaster
Paul Stahl
Loretta A. Frisch
(1917 - 2000)
Walter C. Claus
(1913 - 2004)
Patricia S. Claus
John Loose
Raymond W. Claus
Sharon A. Bauman
Martin J. Claus
Theresa A. Costantino
Joann Claus
Martin D. Claus
Theresa G. Claus
Eugene R. Missler
Kevin E. Missler
Karen J. Missler
Stephen M. Heydinger
Stephanie C. Heydinger
Jessica C. Heydinger
Kenneth R. Missler
Lagraciela Sinohui
Aaron K. Missler
Danielle C. Missler
Kristin A. Missler
Rodney A. Walliser
Nicole C. Walliser
Kurtis A. Walliser
Keith M. Missler
Ruth A. Claus
Robert H. Frankfather
Valerie J. Frankfather
James R. Reesman
Steve R. Frankfather
Roberta J. Frankfather
(1975 - 1975)
Roger A. Claus
Berdella A. Steinmetz
Hilda M. Frisch
(1919 - 1988)
Leon R. Moyer
(1917 - 1972)
Kathryn M. Moyer
Richard Slingwine
Debra J. Slingwine
Karen M. Slingwine
Amy J. Slingwine
Gail S. Slingwine
Marc A. Slingwine
Leon R. Moyer Jr
Rosalie B. Thurn
Martha M. Moyer
Mary L. Moyer
Shirley M. Moyer
Burte J. Nicely Jr
Robert W. Nicely
Matthew M. Nicely
Susan M. Nicely
Patricia A. Nicely
Marcia L. Nicely
Sandra J. Nicely
Richard L. Moyer
Audrey A. Gilbert
Betsy A. Moyer
Michael L. Moyer
Mary A. Frisch
(1921 - 2003)
Sylvester C. Stockmaster
(1907 - 1987)
Catherine A. Stockmaster
Robert A. Tiell
Ellen T. Tiell
Robert A. Tiell Jr
(1968 - )
Susanne M. Tiell
Christopher C. Tiell
Joyce L. Tiell
Regina H. Stockmaster
Ira J. Zornes
Mary H. Zornes
Ann R. Zornes
Eric M. Zornes
Edward F. Stockmaster
(1949 - 1999)
Mary F. Dick
Kevin E. Stockmaster
Jason A. Stockmaster
James S. Stockmaster
Carol J. Gerhart
Brian J. Stockmaster
Nathan J. Stockmaster
Helen G. Frisch
(1924 - 2011)
Richard Meyers
(1925 - 1996)
Susan K. Meyers
Jerry R. Edwards
(1947 - 1987)
Jennifer L. Edwards
Shawn R. Edwards
Jack R. Meyers
Mary E. McDowell
Jean E. Meyers
Stan Roberts
Marcella F. Frisch
(1926 - 1981)
Eldred J. Heyman
(1922 - 2008)
Carol A. Heyman
Thomas J. Fredritz
Eric J. Fredritz
Michael T. Fredritz
Brian H. Fredritz
David A. Heyman
Paul H. Heyman
(1956 - 1956)
Mary J. Heyman
Cynthia S. Heyman
Steve Weilnau
Frank X. Frisch Jr
(1928 - 2009)
Mary J. Tiell
Virginia M. Frisch
Richard H. Ridner
Greg Ridner
Kristy Vaughan
Dean Ridner
Becky Tiell
Eric A. Ridner
Earlie Spradlin
Ronald P. Frisch
Patty A. Kingseed
Joyce C. Frisch
John D. Black
Sandra R. Frisch
Ray A. Lease
Candace R. Lease
Myron G. Frisch
Irene Bryant
Roger J. Frisch
Sandra Hohman
Beth A. Frisch
Douglas Nichols
Cody M. Nichols
Larry J. Frisch
Rebecca Harrison
Amy T. Frisch
William J. Frisch
(1882 - 1949)
Ceclia L. Reinhart
(1893 - 1931)
Helen R. Frisch
(1919 - 2003)
Wallace Hemminger
Walter Hemminger
Larry Hemminger
Carolyn Hemminger
(1940 - 1987)
William E. Earwood
( - 1964)
Walter Holmer
(1918 - 1986)
Mildred H. Frisch
(1921 - 2009)
Howard E. Bollinger
(1917 - 2003)
Garvan Bollinger
Sue (?)
Abby Bollinger
Jenna Bollinger
Gerald F. Frisch Sr.
(1924 - 2009)
Helen Beat
(1924 - 2007)
Nathan Frisch
Susan (?)
Anita L. Frisch
Paul A. Vogt
Andrew L. Frisch
Barbara A. Beamer
Cecilia M. Frisch
Michael E. Fruth
Gerald F. Frisch Jr
Pamela (?)
Lisa A. Mitchell
Kay J. Hartley
Raymond J. Frisch
Delores V. Frank
Maria O. Frisch
(1884 - 1959)
Albert J. Daniel
(1879 - 1937)
Clara O. Daniel
(1906 - 1989)
Albert W. Schriner
(1900 - 1987)
Ronald W. Schriner
Mary E. Reinbolt
Herbert C. Schriner
(1927 - 2003)
Margaret M. Bowe
Debralee Schriner
Rebecca Schriner
De A. Schriner
Jackie J. Frankforther
Ruth O. Schriner
Leo G. Seasly
Gary Seasly
Kevin Seasly
infant Seasly
(1950 - 1950)
Barbara J. Seasly
Robert A. Rogers
William Seasly
Gerald E. Seasly
(1958 - 1977)
Walter A. Schriner
(1931 - 2008)
Martha F. Reinbolt
(1935 - 2009)
Mark Schriner
Karen A. Schriner
Warren P. Long
Erin Long
Michaela Long
Joshua Long
Rosina Daniels
(1910 - 1993)
Walter P. Dendinger
(1905 - 1996)
Mary A. Daniel
(1913 - 1977)
Carl A. Schriner
(1902 - 2003)
Eldon Schriner
Janet (?)
Erma Schriner
Robert Cook
Audrey Cook
Ian Cook
Erin Cook
Paul Schriner
(1943 - 2010)
Sandra (?)
Julie Schriner
Michael Strasser
Cayden Strasser
Haley Strasser
Jackie Schriner
(?) Reyes
Trevon Reyes
Lois A. Schriner
(1948 - 2009)
Paul Houck
Joan Schriner
(1949 - 1949)
John S. Frisch
(1887 - )
Rosa I. Frisch
(1891 - 1956)
John W. Holmer
(1884 - 1971)
Delores Holmer
John Herner
Martha Holmer
(1915 - 1984)
Leo Reinhart
(1913 - 1970)
Linus O. Holmer
(1916 - 2001)
Ruth Alleshouse
( - 1997)
Ruth Brandt
( - 1965)
Mary A. Holmer
Bernard H. Falter
(1912 - 2003)
Rita Falter
Frank Depinet
Vincent B. Falter
Mary Falter
James Siesel
(1941 - 1979)
Urban Holmer
(1920 - 1982)
Wilma Wagner
Linda Holmer
Joseph Wooker
Kimberly Holmer
Carol Holmer
Larry Shepherd
Arnold Holmer
Ralph Holmer
Bernard C. Holmer
(1923 - 1994)
Mary E. Wurm
Paul Holmer
Norma Heiberthausen
Rachel Holmer
Benjamin Holmer
Alphonse J. Holmer
Cheri R. Swartzmiller
Kenneth Holmer
Pat Manning
Eric Holmer
Erin Holmer
Craig Holmer
Harold Holmer
Leann Down
Jennifer Holmer
Arthur J. Holmer
(1926 - 2010)
Gertrude T. Didion
(1929 - 2006)
Otto A. Frisch
(1894 - 1938)
Mary R. Daniel
(1899 - 1985)
Rose E. Frisch
(1921 - 1985)
Franklin C. Blust
(1919 - 1989)
Shirley A. Blust
Ronald Spencer
Dwayne A. Spencer
Danelle A. Spencer
Lucy O. Frisch
(1922 - 1996)
Floyd F. W. Siefert
Harold Siefert
Kathleen Norris
Jackie M. Siefert
Jeffrey R. Siefert
Ronald Siefert
(1946 - 1995)
Sandra Britz
Rhonda K. Siefert
Twain Frazier
Twain Frazier
Renee Y. Siefert
Lucinda Siefert
Cecil Payne
David Smarsh
Walter O. Frisch
(1924 - 2007)
Jeanne D. Wangler
Marcia A. Frisch
(1949 - 1958)
Gregory A. Frisch
Mark A. Frisch
Timothy M. Frisch
Jean M. Autullo
Michael A. Frisch
Mary K. Acierno
Kenneth T. Frisch
Regina M. Frisch
Matthew B. Frisch
Mary C. Frisch
(1925 - 1989)
Earl A. Jacoby
(1924 - 1974)
John E. Jacoby
Judith C. Lininger
Tamara S. Jacoby
John F. Jacoby
James A. Jacoby
Sandra S. Smith
Emilia F. Frisch
(1899 - 1963)
Theodore A. Rospert
(1892 - 1963)
Joseph Rospert
Bernard Rospert
(?) Rospert
John Loose
Thomas Rospert
Mary Rospert
John J. Rospert
Rita C. Rospert
(?) Bender
Ignatius Frisch
(1852 - 1924)
Elizabeth Mallifsky
(1857 - 1935)
Rose E. Frisch
(1872 - 1950)
Lafayette M. Remlinger
(1864 - 1948)
Bertha E. Remlinger
(1891 - 1970)
Elmer J. Messmer
(1888 - 1973)
George P. Remlinger
(1893 - 1960)
Esther Orians
Adeline R. Remlinger
(1895 - 1992)
Robert W. Exline
(1886 - 1973)
Evelyn M. Remlinger
(1897 - 1978)
Clarence Clinger
(1900 - 1986)
Cletus E. Remlinger
(1901 - 1956)
Luella Stombaugh
Minnie Remlinger
(1903 - 1996)
Gary Garn
Frederick Frisch
(1874 - 1933)
Clara Mathias
(1881 - 1906)
Jerome L. Frisch
(1898 - 1964)
Fred Frisch
Donald Frisch
Theresa Frisch
Eugene Limming
Garland W. Hampshire
(1902 - )
Mary De La Hamaid
(1903 - )
Mary M. Slone
(1909 - )
Corine M. Frisch
(1903 - 1946)
Odin Zickefoose
(1898 - 1964)
Bernice M. Zickefoose
Gurtha M. Zickefoose
Elizabeth L. Zickefoose
Augusta V. Sherman
George Frisch
Mary R. Frisch
(1912 - )
Martha Frisch
(1914 - 1914)
Lena E. Bagley
(1885 - 1920)
Clara I. Frisch
(1876 - 1920)
Frank J. Moll
(1857 - 1941)
Angeline E. Moll
(1895 - 1958)
Gertrude Moll
(1897 - 1981)
Jerry Leser
Ivo A. Moll
(1900 - 1977)
Lillian L. Stevens
(1902 - 1991)
Sara B. Moll
__ Cheiman
Janice Moll
( - b 1977)
Naomi A. Moll
(1902 - )
Carl Murphy
(1900 - 1972)
Wilfred Moll
(1904 - 1904)
William E. Frisch
(1878 - 1961)
Margaret Honigford
(1883 - 1905)
Amelia Frisch
(1904 - 1981)
Henry O'Flaherty
Mildred A. Frisch
(1905 - 1990)
Alvin J. Welly
(1893 - 1966)
Theresa T. Utrup
(1880 - 1949)
Edward Frisch
(1909 - 1909)
Isador W. Frisch
(1910 - 1910)
Irene E. Frisch
(1915 - )
Willis Master
infant Frisch
(1918 - 1918)
infant Frisch
(1921 - 1921)
Theresa Frisch
(1882 - 1946)
Edward Oelberg
(1873 - 1946)
infant Oelberg
Charles S. Frisch
(1885 - 1953)
Veronica A. Wagner
(1887 - 1967)
Lloyd I. Frisch
(1912 - 1994)
Florence A. Shumaker
(1914 - 2002)
Carol S. Frisch
Fred Frey
Jean A. Frisch
Eugene Frey
Shirley Frisch
Dwight Altvater
Judy R. Frisch
Cyril Frey
Geraldine M. Frisch
Dan Mehling
Donald E. Frisch
Sharon Schade
Denver L. Frisch
(1914 - 1990)
Viola C. Grine
(1918 - 1943)
Larry L. Frisch
infant Frisch
(1943 - 1943)
Mary H. Stock
(1913 - 2001)
Nelson G. Frisch
(1916 - 1986)
Annabel F. Mitten
(1919 - 2013)
Paul D. Frisch
Ann Harman
Ann L. Frisch
William Miller
Ina J. Frisch
James Barney
Rebecca J. Frisch
David Gregg
Wilson W. Frisch
Alma P. Mathias
(1919 - 1991)
Thomas W. Frisch
(1941 - )
David D. Frisch
Judith A. Jacobs
Dennis C. Frisch
Teresa Marshall
Mark C. Frisch
Brenda McBride
Brenda Petre
John A. Frisch
Hilda M. Frisch
(1918 - 2013)
Wilfred J. Vent
(1918 - 1980)
Ronald A. Vent
(1946 - 1993)
Gary T. Vent
Lois R. Cornwell
Patrick L. Vent
Debra M. Cook
David N. Frisch
Marjorie A. Orians
Roger L. Frisch
Patricia Guthrie
Sharon K. Frisch
David G. Kirby
Debra A. Frisch
Larry Thompson
Sue A. Frisch
(1958 - 1958)
Peggy A. Frisch
Mark A. Baxter
Robert L. Frisch
(1922 - 1974)
Mary R. Arnold
Patricia A. Frisch
John Kesler
Andre G. Frisch
Mary McCool
Cynthia M. Frisch
Florentino Diaz
Jean G. Frisch
David Sines
James G. Frisch
Alicia M. Depinet
Elizabeth J. Frisch
(1924 - 1980)
Bernard H. Kessler
(1921 - 2004)
Kenneth J. Kessler
Connie Brooks
Barbara A. Kessler
James Clark
Daniel L. Kessler
Donna Tong
Charles A. Frisch
Frances J. Davis
(1926 - )
Charles J. Frisch
(1949 - 1953)
John R. Frisch
(1951 - 1951)
Arabel A. Gottfried
Michael L. Frisch
(1957 - 2008)
Craig A. Frisch
infant Frisch
(1928 - 1928)
Norman J. Frisch
(1930 - 1971)
Rosa P. Ariza
Linda R. Frisch
Ned Ellis
Norman J. Frisch Jr
Gwen Stone
Steven J. Frisch
Sharon Kieth
Diane R. Frisch
David Harmon
Bonita R. Frisch
David Wolfe
Teresa R. Frisch
Jeffrey J. Frisch
Kim Dible
Brenda R. Frisch
Lisa R. Frisch
John C. Steward
Amy R. Frisch
Janice A. Frisch
Daniel H. Liles
Bruce Liles
Jason Liles
Holly J. Dees
Pamela Liles
Albert M. Frisch
(1886 - 1918)
Martin L. Frisch
(1890 - 1967)
Bridget J. Reinhart
(1890 - 1957)
Elmer J. Frisch
(1912 - 1913)
Alvin I. Frisch
(1914 - 1974)
Norene W. Cornelius
(1913 - 2011)
Carl P. Frisch
(1916 - 2010)
Mary R. Nye
(1915 - 1990)
Carolyn J. Frisch
Richard Gamby
Kathryn A. Frisch
James Cassidy
Margaret M. Frisch
Alvin C. Hammer
(1932 - 2010)
Carla R. Hammer
Donald Torok
Jerry P. Hammer
Jeff F. Hammer
Elizabeth R. Frisch
(1940 - 1960)
Harold Goshe
Carl Frisch
Joan S. Gee
Wilfred A. Frisch
(1918 - 2000)
Mary J. Coburn
(1922 - 2009)
Vincent W. Frisch
(1920 - 1962)
Mary E. Foster
(1922 - 2004)
Christopher Frisch
Karen M. Frisch
Steve Weinke
Rosalind Frisch
Franklin Thompson
Mary L. Frisch
Richard Michaels
Dorothy J. Frisch
Michael Kieffer
Marie H. Frisch
Bernard T. Gaietto
(1917 - 1995)
Dennis Gaietto
John B. Gaietto
Jeanette Adams
Sandra K. Gaietto
Michael Berry
John Kesler
Stephen B. Gaietto
Mary McCullough
Richard A. Gaietto
Rose A. C. Langhals
Herman J. Frisch
(1924 - 1992)
Lolagene Ohler
(1925 - 2010)
David Frisch
Lisa Pfeiffer
Herman J. Frisch Jr
Patricia J. Frisch
(1945 - 2008)
James R. Phillips
Gregory J. Phillips
Danice (?)
Kaitlyn Phillips
Alexander Phillips
Stephen R. Phillips
Leslie (?)
Andrew Phillips
Joshua Phillips
Michael Phillips
Carol S. Frisch
(1946 - 2007)
Paul T. Daniel
Jane M. Frisch
Gerald Dendinger
Anne C. Frisch
Michael Beat
Kay E. Frisch
Rodger Barth
Philip W. Frisch
(1926 - 2007)
Lila Chalfin
(1925 - 2002)
Laura Frisch
Joseph Steyer
Theresa Frisch
John Weber
Martin C. Frisch
Jeannine Frisch
Allen Auftencamp
Michael L. Frisch
Marcia Frisch
Joseph Tomaszewski
Thomas Havey
Constance S. Frisch
(1947 - 1997)
Gary Schumaker
Lisa Schumaker
Tim Elchert
Jeff L. Schumaker
Mark A. Schumaker
Philip E. Frisch
Sharon L. Scherger
Anthony J. Frisch
Sharon Collins
Joseph Frisch
(1959 - 1959)
Mildred I. Frisch
(1931 - 2011)
Robert Fosnaugh
Alan Fosnaugh
Christopher Fosnaugh
Janet Fosnaugh
Bill R. Sanchez
Leda E. Fosnaugh
David Martin Jr
Michael Scott
JoAnn Fosnaugh
Donald Faeth
Robert E. Frisch
(1894 - 1973)
Ruth C. Meek
(1896 - 1956)
Leo Frisch
Otto P. Frisch
(1895 - 1895)
Isabel Frisch
(1900 - 1957)
Glen C. Watson
(1892 - 1968)
Helen E. Watson
(1919 - 1987)
Curtis M. Cline
(1892 - 1948)
Donald Cline
Joann Hervey
Charles Cline
John Cline
Ronald Cline
Joan Ditch
Timothy Cline
Naneen Cline
Lynette Cline
Rochelle Cline
Floyd Hull
( - 1958)
Naneen Hull
(1957 - 1957)
Joseph Ponak Jr
Robert E. Watson
(1926 - 2000)
Mary E. Ellison
Ruth M. Watson
Susan M. Watson
(1969 - 2003)
George E. Ream
(c 1966 - 2003)
Joy B. Watson
(1973 - 2011)
Rodney J. M. (?)
Eugene Kot
Robert D. Watson
Susan Miller
Sue M. Watson
Michael Watson
Janet King
Robert L. Watson
Richard L. Watson
(1953 - 2016)
Dawn Widmer
Irene M. Watson
Antonio Billegas
Carrie L. Billegas
Tony R. Billegas
(1977 - 2011)
Deanna S. Baughman
Robert J. Billegas
Roger B. Hiltman
Edward J. Hiltman
Paul Frisch
(1807 - 1814)
Peter Frisch
(1809 - 1810)
Joannes N. Frisch
(1811 - )
Catharina Strasser
(1778 - )
Elisabetha Strasser
(1780 - )
Johann Strasser
(1782 - )
Margarita Strasser
(1785 - )
Peter Strasser
(1788 - 1817)
Maria A. Strasser
(1791 - )
Joseph Strasser
(1793 - 1794)
Anna C. Strasser
(c 1709 - 1768)
Johann N. Velten
(c 1703 - 1782)
Johann T. Velten
(1734 - )
Johann M. Velten
(1735 - )
Maria E. Spiegel
(c 1745 - b 1796)
Catharina Velten
(b 1766 - )
Anna M. Velten
(c 1770 - 1813)
Johann P. Stolz
(c 1753 - 1810)
Elisabetha Stolz
(1790 - 1790)
Maria C. Stolz
(c 1792 - b 1801)
Johann A. Stolz
(1795 - 1851)
Jacob Stolz
(1797 - )
Maria C. Stolz
(1802 - a 1853)
Johann K. Schwegel
(c 1756 - 1839)
Daniel Schwegel
(1823 - )
Johannes Schwegel
(1826 - 1826)
Johann A. Schwegel
(1827 - a 1877)
Caroline Westrich
(1829 - 1877)
Charlotte E. Schwegel
(1853 - 1918)
Joseph Gross
(1847 - 1900)
Catharina Schwegel
(1855 - )
Philipp Hemmer
(c 1846 - )
Jacob Schwegel
(1858 - 1933)
Catherine Welch
(1856 - 1916)
Jacob Schwegel
(1881 - )
Nicholas Schwegel
(1884 - )
Harry Schwegel
(1886 - )
John J. Schwegel
(1887 - )
Anna B. (?)
(c 1887 - )
Vincent Schwegel
(1909 - 1972)
Gerald Schwegel
(1912 - 1989)
John Schwegel Jr.
(c 1919 - )
Lawrence Schwegel
(1923 - 1996)