Castella Roche
F, ID No. 651, b. October 1903, d. 26 January 1977
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
Dorvel Edward Roche
M, ID No. 652, b. April 1905, d. 6 June 1944
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
Charles Hansel Roche
M, ID No. 653, b. August 1906
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
Frank Louis Roche
M, ID No. 654, b. January 1908, d. 3 August 1987
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
Irene Roche
F, ID No. 655
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
Leo Roche
M, ID No. 656
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
Donald Roche
M, ID No. 657
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
Thomas Homer Bass
M, ID No. 658, b. 1896, d. December 1973
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
Donald Bass
M, ID No. 659
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.
Homer Bass
M, ID No. 660
This page is copyrighted material that appears on my web site: You are free to use the facts that it contains or make a copy for personal use. You may not republish or distribute this page, or elements of it, in any form without my express written permission.