- [S33] Katholische Kirche Glan-Münchweiler (BA. Homburg), Kirchenbuch, 1685-1949. Baptisms (1725-1777). Micropublication, 6 rolls, film no. 0489447, item 1-2. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974, 1961.
- [S34] Katholische Kirche Glan-Münchweiler (BA. Homburg), Kirchenbuch, 1685-1949. Baptisms (1764-1777). Micropublication, 6 rolls, film no. 0489447, item 1-2. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974, 1961.
- [S37] Katholische Kirche Glan-Münchweiler (BA. Homburg), Kirchenbuch, 1685-1949. Marriages (1747-1774). Micropublication, 6 rolls, film no. 0489447, item 1-2. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974, 1961.
- [S38] Katholische Kirche Glan-Münchweiler (BA. Homburg), Kirchenbuch, 1685-1949. Familienbuch (1778-1911). Micropublication, 6 rolls, film no. 0489451. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974, 1961.
- [S39] Katholische Kirche Glan-Münchweiler (BA. Homburg), Kirchenbuch, 1685-1949. Baptisms (1778-1795, 1778-1840). Micropublication, 6 rolls, film no. 0489447, items 3-5. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974, 1961.
- [S40] Katholische Kirche Glan-Münchweiler (BA. Homburg), Kirchenbuch, 1685-1949. Baptisms (1840-1904). Micropublication, 6 rolls, film no. 0489448. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974, 1961.
- [S41] Katholische Kirche Glan-Münchweiler (BA. Homburg), Kirchenbuch, 1685-1949. Marriages (1809-1945). Micropublication, 6 rolls, film no. 0489449. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974, 1961.
- [S42] Katholische Kirche Glan-Münchweiler (BA. Homburg), Kirchenbuch, 1685-1949. Deaths (1776-1849). Micropublication, 6 rolls, film no. 0489449. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974, 1961.
- [S177] Schallert, Francis M ., Cemetery record. Calvary Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri. Computer listing of Schallert internments obtained by author from cemetery office on 10 Aug 1992.
- [S178] Schallert, Anthony W., Cemetery record. Calvary Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri. Computer listing of Schallert internments obtained by author from cemetery office on 10 Aug 1992.
- [S533] Katholische Kirche Kübelberg. Geschlecterbuch, 1707-1955. Micropublication, 1 roll, roll no. 0400413. Salt Lake City: Genealogy Society of Utah, 1961.
- [S572] State of Kentucky, comp. Kentucky Vital Records Index, Deaths (1911-1986). University of Kentucky, Online at <http://ukcc.uky.edu/~vitalrec/>.
- [S654] Nanzweiler Zivilstandsregister. Sterberegister, 1818-1875. Micropublication, 1 roll, film no. 0415982. Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1963-1964.
- [S662] Katholische Kirche Weilerbach (BA. Kaiserslautern), Kirchenbuch, 1741-1961. Marriages (1798-1841). Micropublication, 6 rolls, film no. 0351887, item 1. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1987, 1999.
- [S671] Katholische Kirche Weilerbach (BA. Kaiserslautern), Kirchenbuch, 1741-1961. Baptisms (1797-1841). Micropublication, 6 rolls, film no. 0351885, item 1. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1987, 1999.
- [S919] Badgerow, Kelley Kay (Whitman). Saint Michael's Cemetery in Kingsley, Iowa Grave Stone Transcriptions. Kingsley, Iowa (http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~plymouthcoiowa/…).
- [S933] Obituary of Marie E. Stodden, Telegraph Herald online (http://www.THonline.com), Dubuque, Iowa, 23 Sep 2000.
- [S935] Obituary of Helen S. Folks, Helen S. Folks, Obituary, from unknown newspaper, photocopy provided by Joyce Ritchie,.
- [S937] Obituary of Francis Stodden, newspaper and date unknown, photocopy provided by Joyce Ritchie, Francis Stodden, Obituary,.
- [S949] Stodden, Fred Joseph and Albertsen, Elisabeth Dorothy Family Group Sheet. Supplied 7 Jun 2002 by Joyce Ritchie, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Unannotated.
- [S950] Obituary of Sophie Stodden, ubknown newspaper, photocopy provided by Joyce Ritchie,.
- [S953] Obituary of Fred J. Stodden, unknown newspaper and date, photocopy provided by Joyce Ritchie, Cedar Rapids, Iowa,.
- [S957] Obituary of Leo Stodden, Telegraph Herald, Dubuque, Iowa, 24 Aug 1978.
- [S960] Katholische Kirche Kübelberg. Heiraten, 1814-1866. Micropublication, 5 rolls, roll no. 0400411, item 1. Salt Lake City: Genealogy Society of Utah, 1961.
- [S965] Katholische Kirche Glan-Münchweiler (BA. Homburg), Kirchenbuch, 1685-1949. Marriages (1809-1854). Micropublication, 6 rolls, film no. 0489449, item 1. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974, 1961.
- [S980] Katholische Kirche Kübelberg. Heiraten, 1742-1816. Micropublication, 5 rolls, roll no. 0400409, item 2. Salt Lake City: Genealogy Society of Utah, 1961.
- [S983] Katholische Kirche Reichenbach (BA. Homburg), Kirchenbuch, 1704-1942. Baptisms (1704-1748). Micropublication, 3 rolls, film no. 0489489, item 1. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1961.
- [S985] Katholische Kirche Reichenbach (BA. Homburg), Kirchenbuch, 1704-1942. Baptisms (1748-1795). Micropublication, 3 rolls, film no. 0489489, item 2. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1961.
- [S1066] Bauer, Markus, comp. Familienbuch der Katholischen Pfarrei Brücken/Pfalz, 1690-1850. Brücken, Germany: Markus Bauer, 2000.
- [S1165] Obituary Of Helen Tompkins, an unknown newspaper, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 3 Jan 1984.
- [S1166] Obituary of Omar E. Bell, unknown Vicksburg newspaper, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 21 Dec 1972.
- [S1172] Katholische Kirche Reifenberg (BA. Zweibrücken), Kirchenbuch, 1650-1961. Baptisms (1803-1835, 1868-1944). Micropublication, 3 rolls, film no. 0400575. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1961.
- [S1192] Katholische Kirche Maßweiler (BA. Zweibrücken), Kirchenbuch, 1729-1932. Marriages (1729-1800). Micropublication, 4 rolls, film no. 0351907, item 1. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1961.
- [S1245] Obituaries, The Chicago Tribune (via NewsBank, Inc.), Chicago, Illinois, http://infoweb.newsbank.com
- [S1252] Katholische Kirche Glan-Münchweiler (BA. Homburg), Kirchenbuch, 1685-1949. Baptisms (1809-1840). Micropublication, 6 rolls, film no. 0489447, item 7. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974, 1961.
- [S1280] Brehmer, Kurt, Weinkauf, Kurt, Barziniank, Michael and Lill, Jakob, comp. Register zu den Kirchenbüchern der katholischen Pfarrei Glan-Münchweiler, Band II, Taufen von 1685 bis 1815. Ramstein, Germany: Self-published, 2006.
- [S1281] Brehmer, Kurt, Weinkauf, Kurt, Barziniank, Michael and Lill, Jakob, comp. Register zu den Kirchenbüchern der katholischen Pfarrei Glan-Münchweiler, Band IV, Sterbefälle von 1685 bis 1899. Ramstein, Germany: Self-published, 2006.
- [S1283] Brehmer, Kurt and Ranker, Klemens, comp. Register zu den Kirchenbüchern der katholischen Pfarrei St. Georg, Kirchmohr, Band I, Taufen von 1752 bis 1885. Kirchmohr, Germany: Self-published, 2003.
- [S1284] Brehmer, Kurt and Ranker, Klemens, comp. Register zu den Kirchenbüchern der katholischen Pfarrei St. Georg, Kirchmohr, Band II, Teil 1, Heiraten von 1752 bis 1899. Kirchmohr, Germany: Self-published, 2003.
- [S1285] Brehmer, Kurt and Ranker, Klemens, comp. Register zu den Kirchenbüchern der katholischen Pfarrei St. Georg, Kirchmohr, Band II, Teil 2, Sterbefälle von 1752 bis 1899. Kirchmohr, Germany: Self-published, 2003.
- [S1366] Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005 [database on-line]. Online at The Generations Network, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1370] Velten, Louis J. & Nigro, Mary Catherine. Marriage License, 25 Jun 1955. Cert. 1955B0059992, Recorder of Deeds Office , Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri.
- [S1503] Eberts, Hans-Joachim, comp. Die katholischen Einwohner der Pfarrei Reichenbach 1812-1900, vol. 2. Ludwigshafen, Germany: Pfälzisch-Rheinische Familienkundw e.V., 2008.
- [S1793] Bell-Christian Family Record. 24 March 1940. David Velten, Personal files of David Velten, Bolton, Massachusetts.
- [S1916] Dobbs, Audrey (Bell), to David Velten. Email message dated 26 Apr 2012 from Wapakoneta, OH. Personal files of David Velten, Bolton, Massachusetts. 2012.
- [S1934] Obituaries, The Leader (online), Festus, Missouri, http://myleaderpaper.com
- [S1965] Mississippi Marriages, 1826-1900 [database online]. Online at Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1978] Velten, Ken, to David Velten. Email message dated 16 Jul 2013 from St. Louis, MO. Personal files of David Velten, Bolton, Massachusetts. 2013.
- [S1999] Obituaries, The Record (via Ancestry.com.), Natchez, Adams, Mississippi, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S2042] Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 [database on-line]. Online at Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com