- [S11] Katholische Kirche Werschau (Kreis Limburg), Kirchenbuch. Vol. KB-1, Marriages (1712-1807). Micropublication, 2 films, film no. 1272656, item 6. Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982.
- [S12] Katholische Kirche Werschau (Kreis Limburg), Kirchenbuch. Vol. KB-1, Deaths (1712-1778). Micropublication, 2 films, film no. 1272656, item 6. Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982.
- [S15] Katholische Kirche Werschau (Kreis Limburg), Kirchenbuch. Vol. Z-1, Deaths (1818-1830). Micropublication, 2 films, film no. 1272656, item 7. Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982.
- [S18] Katholische Kirche Werschau (Kreis Limburg), Kirchenbuch. Vol. Z-2, Deaths (1831-1843). Micropublication, 2 films, film no. 1272656, item 8. Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982.
- [S22] Katholische Kirche Werschau (Kreis Limburg), Kirchenbuch. Vol. Z-4, Marriages (1857-1870). Mmicropublication, 2 films, film no. 1272657, item 1. Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982.
- [S23] Katholische Kirche Werschau (Kreis Limburg), Kirchenbuch. Vol. Z-4, Deaths (1843-1870). Micropublication, 2 films, film no. 1272657, item 1. Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982.
- [S194] Mueller, Elenora. Baptismal entry, 30 Apr 1876. "Liber Baptismorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, fondata Anno D. 1867," (photocopy of original church book provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles, California), 1876, item 4. Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S371] Obituary of Dora C. (Korb) Wise, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, 14 Jun 1971.
- [S467] Stockmaster, Norbert. Death Certificate No. 47897, 4 Aug 1944, Archives Library, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio.
- [S468] Stockmaster Jr., Herbert. Death Certificate No. 66891, 29 Nov 1942, Archives Library, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio.
- [S475] Frisch, Otto A.. Death Certificate No. 37109, 29 Jun 1938, Archives Library, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio.

- [S476] Frisch, Otto Aloysius. Baptismal entry, 24 Jun 1894. "Liber Baptismorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, fondata Anno D. 1867," (photocopy provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles), Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S512] Weis, Mariam Emam. Baptismal entry, 26 Jun 1881. "Liber Baptismorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, fondatae Anno D. 1867," (Photocopy provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles), Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S513] Wise, Franciscum and Wilhelm, Claram. Marriage entry, 2 Feb 1904. "Liber Matrimoniorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, initiens Anno Dom. 1867," (photocopy provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles), Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S544] Falter, Wendell Descendant Report. Viewed 17 Jun 1997 at web site compiled by Vincent E. Falter, Online URL: (http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/f/a/l/…).
- [S657] Obituary of Margaret M. Daniel (nee Schriner), The Advertiser-Tribune (online at http://www.oweb.com/Advertiser-Tribune/), Tiffin, Ohio, 1 Mar 1999.
- [S660] Obituary of A. A. "Ollie" Daniel, The Advertiser-Tribune online (http://www.oweb.com:80/Advertiser-Tribune), Tiffin, Ohio, Friday, 8 Oct 1999.

- [S697] Obituary of Freda Daniel, The Bellevue Gazette, Bellevue, Ohio, Friday, 10 Nov 1989.

- [S710] Obituary of Mary Rose Frisch, nee Daniel, The Bellevue Gazette, Bellevue, Ohio, Monday, 7 Jan 1985.

- [S714] Obituary of Herman J. Hay, The Bellevue Gazette, Bellevue, Ohio, Friday, 10 Jun 1983.
- [S717] Obituary of Franklin C. Blust, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, Tuesday, 1 Aug 1989.
- [S742] Obituary of Elizabeth Stockmaster, nee Daniel, The Advertiser-Tribune Online (http://www.oweb.com:80/Advertiser-Tribune/), Tiffin, Ohio, Saturday, 11 Mar 2000.

- [S810] Obituary of Lucy Olevia Siefert, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, Saturday, 6 Jul 1996.
- [S823] Obituary of Marcia Frisch, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, Friday, 23 May 1958, and Saturday, 24 May 1958.
- [S824] Obituary of Otto Frisch, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, Tuesday, 28 Jun 1938.
- [S825] Obituary of Rosa Blust, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, Wednesday, 13 Mar 1985.
- [S827] Obituary of Mary C. Jacoby, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, Monday, 1 May 1989.
- [S828] Obituary of Ronald Siefert, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, Tuesday, 24 Jan 1995.
- [S869] Obituary of Martha E. Daniel, The Advertiser-Tribune online (http://www.Advertiser-Tribune.com), Tiffin, Ohio, 19 Sep 2001.
- [S870] Bischoff, Francis and Frisch, Catherine Descendant Report. Printed 10 Oct 2001 by Loretta Gerber, Castalia, Ohio. An indented descendant report with a few citations.
- [S916] Obituary of Helen B. Hay, The Norwalk Reflector online (http://www.norwalkreflector.com), Norwalk, Ohio, Tuesday, 23 Apr 2002.
- [S927] Obituary of Leonard J. Schank, Jr., The Advertiser-Tribune online (http://www.advertiser-tribune.com), Tiffin, Ohio, Sunday, 26 May 2002.
- [S929] St. Michael Catholic Church Records, Frank, Ohio. Baptisms, 1841-1862. Micropublication series MS-903, 2 rolls, roll no. 1, item 3. Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2001.
- [S930] St. Michael Catholic Church Records, Frank, Ohio. Deaths, 1835-1883. Micropublication series MS-903, 2 rolls, roll no. 1, item 1. Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2001.
- [S1047] Obituary of Marvin J. Stockmaster, The Advertiser-Tribune online (http://www.advertiser-tribune.com), Tiffin, Ohio, 22 Jul 2003.
- [S1121] BYU-Idaho Family History Center, comp. Western States Historical Marriage Record Index (database online). Rexburg, Idaho: BYU-Idaho McKay Library, 2004.
- [S1251] Obituaries, Unknown Ohio Newspaper, Ohio,.
- [S1253] Koerper, Gertrude. Death Certificate No. 34233A, filed 12 Aug 1958,.

- [S1348] Missler, Eleanora. Ohio Death Certificate No. 67455, filed 7 Oct 1953, FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org), Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah.

- [S1555] California Marriage Index, 1960-1985 [database on-line]. Online at The Generations Network, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1592] Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org). Ohio Death Certificate. Nickels, Mary Elizabeth certificate.
- [S1593] Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org). Ohio Death Certificate. Wise, Jacob certificate.
- [S1644] News article, The Advertiser-Tribune online, Tiffin, Ohio, http://www.advertiser-tribune.com
- [S1735] Ohio Divorce Index, 1962-1963, 1967-1971, 1973-2007 [database on-line]. Online at Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1736] Ohio Marriage Abstracts, 1970, 1972-2007 [database on-line]. Online at Ancestry.com, viewed at http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1808] Claus, Larry, to David Velten. 19 Feb 2010 from Bellevue, Ohio. Personal files of David Velten, Bolton, Massachusetts.
- [S1809] Holliday, Paul V., Tombstone. Saint Sebastian's Cemetery, Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio. Read and photographed by author, 14 Sep 2008.
- [S1810] Claus, Martin and Houck, Mary Descendancy Narrative. Prepared 26 May 2009 by Marilyn F. Hahler, Wichita, Kansas. Based on extensive cited sources and author's personal knowledge of the families.
- [S2034] Miller, Kathleen, to David Velten. Email message dated 31 Mar 2014 from Sandusky, OH. Personal files of David Velten, Bolton, Massachusetts. 2014.
- [S2136] Daniel, David G., to David Velten. Email message dated 22 May 2022 from Colorado. Personal files of David Velten, Bolton, Massachusetts. 2022.