- [S1] Velten, Frank Joseph. Death Certificate No. 57-10935, filed 15 Nov 1957, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Vital Records, Jefferson City, Cole County, Missouri.

- [S8] Velten, Frank J. & Ethel Oyler. Marriage License , 4 Jun 1906. Cert. 1906K0034841 , Recorder of Deeds Office , Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri.

- [S59] Joseph Thess. Death certificate no. 55-022878, February 10, 1955, State of California, Deaprtment of Health Services, Office of Vital Records, Sacramento, Sacramento County, California.

- [S82] Busch, Nancy, to David Velten. Letter dated 27 Feb 1995 at 39 Oakwood Dr., Arnold MO 63010. Personal files of David Velten, Bolton, Massachusetts. 1995.
- [S129] Velten, Henry Joseph. Birth record, Macon County Birth Register, vol. K, p. 162, filed 26 Dec 1913. Macon County Courthouse, Decatur, Macon County, Illinois.

- [S130] Velten, Wilbur P.. Birth record, Macon County Birth Register, vol. L, p. 645, filed 31 Jan 1916. Macon County Courthouse, Decatur, Macon County, Illinois.

- [S176] Social Security Administration. Social Security Death Index V1.20. Washington, DC, 1993.
- [S241] Ebel Co.. Ebel's City Directory, 1918. Decatur: Leshnick Directory Corp., 1918.
- [S547] Velten, Minnie C.. Death Certificate No. 80-202626, filed 21 Apr 1980, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Vital Records, Jefferson City, Cole County, Missouri.

- [S548] Velten, Frank J. and Velten, Minnie C., Tombstone. St. Trinity Cemetery, Lemay, St. Louis County, Missouri. Read and photographed by author.

- [S549] Unkauf, Wilhelmine Caroline. Baptismal record, 15 Apr 1892. "Baptismal Certificate," (photocopy of the original, a Fraktur certificate printed by Wartburg Publishing House in Waverly, IA), Original in possession of Richard Velten, Ballwin, Saint Louis County, Missouri.

- [S550] Wilhelmina Caroline Unkauf, Erinnerung an den Tag der Confirmation. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mt. Pulaski, IL, 4 Apr 1909. Original in possession of Richard Velten, Ballwin, Saint Louis County, Missouri.

- [S574] Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Online at Ancestry.com, www.ancestry.com.
- [S658] Velton, Frank J. & Minnie Unkauf. Marriage Return , 30 Nov 1912. St. Charles County Marriage Book 13 : 256 , St.Louis County Library Headquarters , Clayton, Saint Louis County, Missouri.

- [S772] Velten, Frank J. & Ethel Sarah Oyler. Divorce Petition , April term. File no. A77828 : Archives of the Circuit Court , Saint Louis City Court House , Saint Louis, Missouri.

- [S851] Római Katólikus Egyház, Csonoplya. Kereszteltek (Baptisms) vol. 3, 1871-1895. Micropublication, 5 rolls, film no. 0638109. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1964.
- [S855] Római Katólikus Egyház, Bács. Kereszteltek (Baptisms) 1861-1895. Micropublication, 4 rolls, film no. 0638057. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1964.
- [S857] Thess, Eva Elizabeth. Death Certificate No. 10395, filed 30 Oct 1962, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Vital Records, Jefferson City, Cole County, Missouri.
- [S858] Joseph Thess, Certificate of Citizenship, duplicate issued September 7, 1938. No. 426117. Original in possession of John H. Thess, Orange, California, Orange, Orange County, California.
- [S865] Eugene Victor Velten. Birth Certificate No. 55611, Registrar's No. 899, 18 Dec 1919. Macon County Courthouse, Decatur, Macon County, Illinois.
- [S866] Thess, Catherine Frances. Confirmation Certificate, 16 Oct 1932. "Certificate of Confirmation," (extracted from church register), St. Henry's Church, Saint Louis, Missouri.
- [S867] Thess, Catherine Frances. Baptism Certificate, 29 Jun 1919. "Certificate of Baptism," (extracted from the church Baptismal Register on June 3, 1927), page 408. St. Mary's Cathedral, Cheyenne, Laramie County, Wyoming.
- [S868] Notice of Separation from U.S. Naval Service. Eugene Victor Velten, SN 668-26-69. David Velten, Personal library of David Velten, Bolton, Massachusetts.
- [S877] Records of St. Henry, Emperor Catholic Church, St. Louis, Missouri (later merged with Immaculate Conception). Confirmations, 1930-1953. Micropublication, 1 roll, roll no. 1903064, item 5. Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1993.
- [S878] Records of St. Henry, Emperor Catholic Church, St. Louis, Missouri (later merged with Immaculate Conception). Confirmations, 1887-1928. Micropublication, 1 roll, roll no. 1903064, item 4. Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1993.
- [S879] Records of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, St. Louis, Missouri. Marriages, 1935-1943. Micropublication, 3 rolls, roll no. 1887323, item 3. Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1993.
- [S880] Records of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, St. Louis, Missouri. Marriages, 1943-1950. Micropublication, 3 rolls, roll no. 1887323, item 4. Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1993.
- [S886] Records of St. Martin of Tours Church, Lemay, Missouri. Marriages, 1959-1970. Micropublication, 1 roll, roll no. 1888513, item 6. Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1993.
- [S887] Records of St. Martin of Tours Church, Lemay, Missouri. Deaths, 1940-1993. Micropublication, 1 roll, roll no. 1888513, item 8. Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1993.
- [S889] Records of St. Bernadette Church, Lemay, Missouri. Baptisms, 1951-1954. Micropublication, 1 roll, roll no. 1888194, item 6. Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1993.
- [S892] Records of St. Martin of Tours Church, Lemay, Missouri. First Communions, 1940-1965. Micropublication, 1 roll, roll no. 1888513, item 4. Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1993.
- [S910] California Death Records (1940-1997). Sacramento: California Department of Health Services, Office of Health Information and Research Vital Statistics [online at http://vitals.rootsweb.com/ca/death/search.cgi].
- [S942] Social Security Administration. Death Index. RootsWeb site, online (http://www.rootsweb.com).
- [S1070] Records of St. Mary Catholic Church, Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio. Baptisms 1853-1876. Micropublication, 4 rolls, roll no. 2314887, item 1. Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2002.
- [S1094] Obituary of August Henry Unkauf, Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, 18 Aug 1928.

- [S1126] World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-18. Ancestry online database (Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2002); Micropublication M1509, 20,243 rolls. National Archives and Records Administration.
- [S1134] U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900: Population Schedule, Microfilm Publication T-623. National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S1135] U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910: Population Schedule, Microfilm Publication T-624, 1,178 rolls. National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S1136] U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920: Population Schedule, Microfilm Publication T-625, 2,076 rolls. National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S1137] U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930: Population Schedule, Microfilm Publication T626, 2,667 rolls. National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S1233] National Archives and Records Administration. "U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [Ancestry on-line database]." Original data: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File (archival database). Record Group 64, College Park, Maryland.
- [S1237] Obituaries, Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, Saint Louis, Missouri,.
- [S1246] Velten, Robert K.. Death Certificate no. 3271, filed 25 Jan 1928, Missouri State Digital Archives, Jefferson City, Cole County, Missouri.

- [S1295] U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 [database online], compiled from Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration, located at National Archives and Records Administration branch offfices. Online at Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1560] Find a Grave Cemetery Database [database on-line]. Salt Lake City, UT: Jim Tipton. Online at http://www.findagrave.com
- [S1667] Ferguson, Marcia. Smith Family. Ancestry Family Trees, 2010. Ancestry.com.
- [S1670] Thess, Joseph George and Weinert, Eva Elizabeth Descendant Chart. Draft prepared March 2010 by Estate Research Associates, San Ramon, California. A chart of heirs prepared for probating the estate of Dennis Lee Smith.
- [S1755] Eugene Velten, Emmaus Lutheran School Graduation Program. 24 Jan 1933. David Velten, Personal files of David Velten, Bolton, Massachusetts.

- [S1756] Velten, David, Personal knowledge. Bolton, Massachusetts.
- [S1945] U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940: Population Schedule, Microfilm Publication T627, 4,643 rolls. National Archives, Washington, DC.