Michael Fritz
M, ID No. 4171
Letzte Änderung | 31.05.1997 |
Mary (?) 
W, ID No. 4172
Letzte Änderung | 18.05.2009 |
John Fritz 
M, ID No. 4173, * circa 23.08.1853, + 4.01.1874
Geburt* | John wurde circa 23.08.1853, in Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, geboren.1,2 |
| Er war der Sohn von Joseph Fritz und Margarethe Sandel. |
Tod* | John starb am 4.01.1874, in Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio.3,4 |
Beisetzung* | Er wurde nach 4.01.1874, in St. Sebastian's Cemetery, located in Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, begraben.4 |
Letzte Änderung | 21.11.1998 |
- [S430] Joseph Fritz, 1880 US Census, Population Schedule, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, Supervisor District 6, Enumeration District 156, written pages 6-7, printed pages 240B-241, dwelling 50, family 51, Micropublication T132, reel 1035, National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S561] Huron County Chapter of Ohio Genealogical Society, comp., Huron County, Ohio Cemetery Inscriptions (Norwalk, Ohio: The Huron County Chapter, OGS, 1997), p. 840, col. 2, sec. C, row 10, lot 7, "Johann Fritz, s/o J. & M. Fritz, gest. 4 Jan. 1871 alt 20 j 4 m 12 t". Date of birth calculated from tombstone would be August 23, 1853.
- [S534] Huron County, Ohio, Probate Court; Death Records, Vol. 1 (1867-1893); Micropublication, 1 roll, film no. 0410483, item 1 (Salt Lake City: The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1965), p. 36, record no. 154, entry for John Fritz, age 21, of Sherman.
- [S561] Huron County Chapter of Ohio Genealogical Society, Huron County, Ohio Cemetery Inscriptions, p. 840, col. 2, sec. C, row 10, lot 7, "Johann Fritz, s/o J. & M. Fritz, gest. 4 Jan. 1871 alt 20 j 4 m 12 t."
William Ernst 
M, ID No. 4174, * circa 1828, + 13.11.1893
Heirat* | Er heiratete Catherine Leis, Tochter von Joseph Leis und Agatha Huber. |
Geburt* | William wurde circa 1828, in Germany geboren.1 |
Tod* | William starb am 13.11.1893, in Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio.1 |
Beisetzung* | Er wurde am 17.11.1893, in St. Sebastian's Cemetery, located in Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, begraben.1 |
Letzte Änderung | 23.03.2012 |
- [S1076] Records of St. Sebastian Catholic Church, Bismarck, Huron County, Ohio; Deaths 1856-1909; Micropublication, 1 roll, roll no. 2320983, item 2 (Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2002), p. 14, 1893, Wilhelimus Ernst, age 65, d. 13 Nov 1893, bur. 17 Nov 1893 Bismark, Ohio.
- [S1134] William Ernst household, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900: Population Schedule, Microfilm Publication T-623, National Archives, Washington, DC, Sherman, Huron, Ohio; Roll 1035, FHL Film 1255035, Page 238A, Enumeration District 156, line 17, dwelling 4, family 4.
- [S929] St. Michael Catholic Church Records, Frank, Ohio; Baptisms, 1841-1862; Micropublication series MS-903, 2 rolls, roll no. 1, item 3 (Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2001), p. 11, no. 392, Mariam, dau. of Wilhelm Ernst and Catharinae Leis, bap. 16 Aug 1857.
- [S1900] Sophia (Leis) Miller, Ohio Death Certificate No. 46471 (filed 14 Jul 1917), FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org), Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, b. 27 May 1858, d. 12 Jul 1917 Sherman, Ohio, bur. 16 Jul 1917 Bismark, Ohio.
Catherine Leis 
W, ID No. 4175, * 25.04.1823
Heirat* | Sie heiratete William Ernst. |
Geburt* | Catherine wurde am 25.04.1823, in Schmittweiler, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, geboren.1 |
| Sie war die Tochter von Joseph Leis und Agatha Huber. |
Taufe/allgemein | Sie wurde getauft in Catholic Church, located in Kübelberg, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, am 27.04.1823.1 |
Letzte Änderung | 23.03.2012 |
- [S962] Katholische Kirche Kübelberg; Baptisms, 1817-1842; Micropublication, 5 rolls, roll no. 0400410, item 1 (Salt Lake City: Genealogy Society of Utah, 1961), 1823, entry no. 19 for Catharina, dau. of Josephi Leis and Agatha Huber of Schmittweiler, b. 25 Apr 1823, bap. 27 Apr 1823.
- [S1134] William Ernst household, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900: Population Schedule, Microfilm Publication T-623, National Archives, Washington, DC, Sherman, Huron, Ohio; Roll 1035, FHL Film 1255035, Page 238A, Enumeration District 156, line 17, dwelling 4, family 4.
- [S929] St. Michael Catholic Church Records, Frank, Ohio; Baptisms, 1841-1862; Micropublication series MS-903, 2 rolls, roll no. 1, item 3 (Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2001), p. 11, no. 392, Mariam, dau. of Wilhelm Ernst and Catharinae Leis, bap. 16 Aug 1857.
- [S1900] Sophia (Leis) Miller, Ohio Death Certificate No. 46471 (filed 14 Jul 1917), FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org), Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, b. 27 May 1858, d. 12 Jul 1917 Sherman, Ohio, bur. 16 Jul 1917 Bismark, Ohio.
Joseph Ruffing 
M, ID No. 4176, * 7.01.1799, + 9.10.1880
Geburt* | Joseph wurde am 7.01.1799, in Oberbexbach, Saar-Pfalz, Saarland, Germany, geboren.1,2 |
| Er war der Sohn von Wilhelm Ruffing und Barbara Hermine Rinck. |
Heirat* | Er heiratete Catherine Elizabeth Schwartz, Tochter von Franz Johann Schwarz und Anna Maria Corbe, am 26.08.1824 in Mittelbexbach, Saar-Pfalz, Saarland, Germany. Zeugen waren Franz Schwarz und Johannes Kluding.3,2 |
Tod* | Joseph starb am 9.10.1880, in Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, im Alter von 81.2 |
Beisetzung* | Er wurde, in St. Sebastian's Cemetery, located in Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, begraben.2 |
- [S489] Joseph Ruffing, 1850 U.S. Census, Population Schedule, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, p. 118A, dwelling 1580, family 1618, Micropublication M432, Reel 697, National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S527] Joseph Ruffing und Catherine Schwartz Family Group Sheet, Printed 8 Sep 1997 by Edith Ruffing Alten, Avon Lake, Ohio. No sources cited.
- [S1212] Klaus Dufner, Wolfgang Tennigkeit und Dirk Wagner, comp., Hieraten der katholischen Pfarrei St. Martin Bexbach (Mittelbexbach) 1697-1920 (Bexbach: Verein für Heimatkunde Höcherberg e.V., 1997), p. 60, H1824/008, Joseph Ruffing, son of Wilhelm and Irmina Rink of Oberbexbach, to Katharina Schwarz, dau. of Franz and Anna Maria Corbe, marr. 24 Aug 1824 Mittelbexbach.
Catherine Elizabeth Schwartz 
W, ID No. 4177, * 21.01.1798, + 06.1865
Geburt* | Catherine wurde am 21.01.1798, in Oberbexbach, Saar-Pfalz, Saarland, Germany, geboren.1,2 |
| Sie war die Tochter von Franz Johann Schwarz und Anna Maria Corbe. |
Heirat* | Sie heiratete Joseph Ruffing, Sohn von Wilhelm Ruffing und Barbara Hermine Rinck, am 26.08.1824 in Mittelbexbach, Saar-Pfalz, Saarland, Germany. Zeugen waren Franz Schwarz und Johannes Kluding.3,2 |
Tod* | Catherine starb in 06.1865, in Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, im Alter von 67.2 |
Beisetzung* | Sie wurde, in St. Sebastian's Cemetery, located in Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, begraben.2 |
- [S489] Joseph Ruffing, 1850 U.S. Census, Population Schedule, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, p. 118A, dwelling 1580, family 1618, Micropublication M432, Reel 697, National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S527] Joseph Ruffing und Catherine Schwartz Family Group Sheet, Printed 8 Sep 1997 by Edith Ruffing Alten, Avon Lake, Ohio. No sources cited.
- [S1212] Klaus Dufner, Wolfgang Tennigkeit und Dirk Wagner, comp., Hieraten der katholischen Pfarrei St. Martin Bexbach (Mittelbexbach) 1697-1920 (Bexbach: Verein für Heimatkunde Höcherberg e.V., 1997), p. 60, H1824/008, Joseph Ruffing, son of Wilhelm and Irmina Rink of Oberbexbach, to Katharina Schwarz, dau. of Franz and Anna Maria Corbe, marr. 24 Aug 1824 Mittelbexbach.
Peter Albert Ruffing 
M, ID No. 4178, * 19.02.1828, + 12.01.1912
Geburt* | Peter wurde am 19.02.1828, in Oberbexbach, Saar-Pfalz, Saarland, Germany, geboren.1,2,3 |
| Er war der Sohn von Joseph Ruffing und Catherine Elizabeth Schwartz. |
Heirat* | Er heiratete Agatha Leis, Tochter von Joseph Leis und Agatha Huber, am 10.01.1854 in St. Sebastian's Church, located in Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio.4,5 |
(godparent) Taufe/allgemein | Er wurde Margaret Louise Ernst(s) Pate bei Margaret(s) Taufe in St. Sebastian's Church, located in Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, am 6.03.1864.6 |
Tod* | Peter starb am 12.01.1912, in Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio, im Alter von 83.3 |
Beisetzung* | Er wurde nach 12.01.1912, in Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio, begraben.3 |
- [S489] Joseph Ruffing, 1850 U.S. Census, Population Schedule, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, p. 118A, dwelling 1580, family 1618, Micropublication M432, Reel 697, National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S492] Peter Ruffing, 1900 U.S. Census, Population Schedule, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, Enumeration District 40, Supervisor District 13, page 3, dwelling 48, family 49, Micropublication T623, reel 1288, National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S527] Joseph Ruffing und Catherine Schwartz Family Group Sheet, Printed 8 Sep 1997 by Edith Ruffing Alten, Avon Lake, Ohio. No sources cited.
- [S565] Huron County, Ohio, Probate Court; Marriage Records, Vol. 3 (1846-1855); Micropublication, 1 roll, film no. 0410259, item 1 (Salt Lake City: The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1965), p. 365, entry for Peter Ruffing and Agatha Leis, license issued 31 Dec 1853, returned by Anthony Meyer.
- [S931] St. Michael Catholic Church Records, Frank, Ohio; Marriages, 1853-1897; Micropublication series MS-903, 2 rolls, roll no. 1, item 2 (Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2001), 1854, entry for Peter Ruffing and Agathem Leis, mar. 10 Jan 1854.
- [S1074] Records of St. Sebastian Catholic Church, Bismarck, Huron County, Ohio; Baptisms 1848-1908; Micropublication, 1 roll, roll no. 2320983, item 3 (Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2002), p. 47, 1864, Margaretham, dau. of Wilhelm Ernst and Catharinae Leis, bap. 6 Mar 1864.
Joseph Ruffing Jr 
M, ID No. 4179, * 10.04.1830, + 18.06.1910
Geburt* | Joseph wurde am 10.04.1830, in Oberbexbach, Saar-Pfalz, Saarland, Germany, geboren.1,2 |
| Er war der Sohn von Joseph Ruffing und Catherine Elizabeth Schwartz. |
Heirat* | Er heiratete Mary J. Geiger am 21.10.1856 in St. Sebastian's Church, located in Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio.3 |
Tod* | Joseph starb am 18.06.1910, in Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio, im Alter von 80.2 |
Letzte Änderung | 20.04.2011 |
- [S489] Joseph Ruffing, 1850 U.S. Census, Population Schedule, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, p. 118A, dwelling 1580, family 1618, Micropublication M432, Reel 697, National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S527] Joseph Ruffing und Catherine Schwartz Family Group Sheet, Printed 8 Sep 1997 by Edith Ruffing Alten, Avon Lake, Ohio. No sources cited.
- [S440] Huron County, Ohio, Probate Court; Marriage Records, Vol. 1 (1855-1866); Micropublication, 2 rolls, film no. 0410260, item 1 (Salt Lake City: The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1965), p. 73, lic. no. 423, issued October 13, 1856 to Joseph Ruffing and Mary J. Geiger, returned December 19, 1856.
John Ruffing 
M, ID No. 4180, * 1.01.1833, + 10.02.1892
Geburt* | John wurde am 1.01.1833, in Oberbexbach, Saar-Pfalz, Saarland, Germany, geboren.1,2 |
| Er war der Sohn von Joseph Ruffing und Catherine Elizabeth Schwartz. |
Heirat* | Er heiratete Mary Catherine Ruffing am 30.08.1859 in St. Sebastian's Church, located in Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio.3 |
Tod* | John starb am 10.02.1892, in Ohio im Alter von 59.2 |
Letzte Änderung | 20.09.2019 |
- [S489] Joseph Ruffing, 1850 U.S. Census, Population Schedule, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, p. 118A, dwelling 1580, family 1618, Micropublication M432, Reel 697, National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S527] Joseph Ruffing und Catherine Schwartz Family Group Sheet, Printed 8 Sep 1997 by Edith Ruffing Alten, Avon Lake, Ohio. No sources cited.
- [S440] Huron County, Ohio, Probate Court; Marriage Records, Vol. 1 (1855-1866); Micropublication, 2 rolls, film no. 0410260, item 1 (Salt Lake City: The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1965), p. 213, lic. no. 1272, issued August 21, 1859 to John Ruffing and Mary Ruffing, returned January 10, 1860.
- [S1765] Joseph F. Ruffing, Ohio Death Certificate No. 58128 (filed 29 Sep 1941), FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org), Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, son of John and Mary Ruffing, b. 04 Jul 1867 Sherman Township, d. 27 Sep 1941 Sherman Township, bur. 30 Sep 1941 Bismark.
- [S2101] John Frank Ruffing, Texas Death Certificate No. 55322 (filed 23 Nov 1953), FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org), Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, John Frank Ruffing, son of John and Mary Catherine Ruffing, b. 23 May 1878 Ohio, d. 22 Nov 1953 Dallas, Texas, bur. 24 Nov 1953 Dallas, Texas.