- [S16] Katholische Kirche Werschau (Kreis Limburg), Kirchenbuch. Vol. Z-2, Baptisms (1831-1845). Micropublication, 2 films, film no. 1272656, item 8. Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982.
- [S44] Charles William Velton. Death Certificate 88-113023, 25 Jul 1988, State of California, Deaprtment of Health Services, Office of Vital Records, Sacramento, Sacramento County, California.
- [S60] Katherine Velten. Death Certificate No. 20-7613, filed 11 Feb 1920, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Vital Records, Jefferson City, Cole County, Missouri.

- [S61] Obituary, Pierce City Leader Journal, Pierce City, MO, ?? Feb 1920.

- [S85] Obituary of J. Louis Velten, Pierce City Journal, Pierce City, Missouri, 18 Oct 1918.

- [S86] Obituary of J. Louis Velton, unknown Pierce City newspaper, Pierce City, Missouri, unknown date.

- [S87] St. Liborius Church (St. Louis, Missouri) Church Books. Vol. V, Baptisms (10 Aug 1881 to 24 Oct 1888). Micropublication, 2 films, film no. 1871138, item 6. Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1993.
- [S88] St. Liborius Church (St. Louis, Missouri) Church Books. Baptisms (1857-1895). Micropublication, 2 films, film no. 1871138, item 1. Salt Lake City, UT:Genealogical Society of Utah, 1993.
- [S89] St. Liborius Church (St. Louis, Missouri) Church Books. Vol. VI, Baptisms (28 Oct 1888 to 4 Jul 1895). Micropublication, 2 films, film no. 1871138, item 7. Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1993.
- [S154] Velton, Michael & Muller, Catherine. Marriage Return , 13 Jun 1856. Huron County Marriage Book 1 : 296 , Huron County Courthouse , Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio.
- [S155] Velten, Michael. American Ship SEVERN Passenger Manifest, June 28, 1848, page 1, line 37. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, 1848. Micropublication. National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S158] Velten, Michael, Tombstone. Saint Mary's Cemetery, Pierce City, Lawrence County, Missouri. Read and photographed by author, Jul 1995.
- [S167] Feltom, Milford. 1870 U.S. Census, Population Schedule, Reed Township, Seneca County, Ohio, Sheet 29. Micropublication M593. National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S171] St. Liborius Church (St. Louis, Missouri) Church Books. Vol. VII, Baptisms, January 1896-August 1908. Micropublication, 2 rolls, roll no. 1871139, item 1. Salt Lake City, UT:Genealogical Society of Utah, 1993.
- [S210] John M. Terry to Michael Velten. Sale of Land, Seneca County Deed Book 39: 26, Seneca County Courthouse, Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S211] Michael Velten To Andrew Fritz. Sale of Land, Deed Book 69: 193, Seneca County Courthouse, Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S215] Mueller, Cecilia Sophia. Baptismal entry, 2 Mar 1873. "Liber Baptismorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, fondata Anno D. 1867," (photocopy of original church book provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles, California), 1873, entry 3. Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S229] Velten, Louis Julious & Carrie Rice. Marriage Return , 7 Jan 1918. Marriage Book 88 : 111, no. 215998 , City Recorder's Office , Saint Louis, Missouri.

- [S243] Velton, Katherine. Filed in Probate Court, Mt. Vernon, on 13 Feb 1920, Lawrence County, Clerk of Probate Court, Mount Vernon, Lawrence County, Missouri.
- [S299] Velten, Michael. Will Book, Barry County Courthouse, Cassville, Barry County, Missouri.

- [S312] Vredenburgh family GEDCOM file, including descendants of Charles Velton and Gladys Pickering. Supplied 1994 by Larry Vredenburgh, 22113 McCarthy Drive, Tehachapi, CA 93561.
- [S408] Brown, Ralph I. & Katherine M. Velton. Marriage return , 17 Jan 1917. Macon County Marriage Returns 1915-1918, Book G : 326 , Macon County Courthouse , Decatur, Macon County, Illinois.

- [S538] California Department of Health. California Marrriage Index, Index of Grooms (1970-1979). Sacramento: State Registrar of Vital Statistics.
- [S573] Velton, John H. & Carmen Aquirre. Marriage Return , 24 Feb 1897. Marriage Book A : 310 , Graham County Courthouse , Safford, Graham County, Arizona.
- [S592] Pickering, Samuel Benton und Johnson, Elizabeth Descendant Report. Viewed 12 May 1998 from web site of Larry Vredenburgh, http://vredenburgh.org/vredenburgh/pages/pickering00.htm. Report contains acknowledgements but no source citations.
- [S779] Velton, Edward John. Death Certificate No. 1945-991, 31 Jan 1945, Department of Public Health, State of Alabama, Montgomery, Montgomery County, Alabama.
- [S928] St. Michael Catholic Church Records, Frank, Ohio. Baptisms, 1852-1896. Micropublication series MS-903, 2 rolls, roll no. 1, item 4. Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2001.
- [S931] St. Michael Catholic Church Records, Frank, Ohio. Marriages, 1853-1897. Micropublication series MS-903, 2 rolls, roll no. 1, item 2. Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2001.
- [S1010] Velton, Carmen. Death Certificate Pinal No. 897, filed 8 Nov 1918, History and Archives Division, Arizona State Library, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona.

- [S1039] Washington State Department of Health, comp. Washington Death Index, 1940-1996. Provo, Utah: Ancestry.com, 2002.
- [S1074] Records of St. Sebastian Catholic Church, Bismarck, Huron County, Ohio. Baptisms 1848-1908. Micropublication, 1 roll, roll no. 2320983, item 3. Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2002.
- [S1078] Records of Assumption Catholic Church, Reed, Seneca County, Ohio. Baptisms 1868-1896. Micropublication, 1 roll, roll no. 2314884, item 1. Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2002.
- [S1097] Obituaries, The Joplin Globe (online), Joplin, Missouri, http://www.joplinglobe.com
- [S1138] Record of births and deaths, Graham County, Arizona, 1889-1909. Register of deaths, v. 1, 1903-1909. Micropublication, 1 roll, film no. 2132123, item 15. Salt Lake City: The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1998.
- [S1184] Polk & Company, comp. Tacoma City Directory, 1921. Tacoma: R. L. Polk & Co., 1921.
- [S1196] Washington State Department of Health, comp. Washington Death Records Index, 1930-1939. Olympia, Washington: Bureau of Vital Statistics, 1959-1960.
- [S1211] Velten, J. L.. Death Certificate No. 34453, filed 11 Oct 1918, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Vital Records, Jefferson City, Cole County, Missouri.

- [S1282] Brehmer, Kurt, Weinkauf, Kurt, Barziniank, Michael und Lill, Jakob, comp. Register zu den Kirchenbüchern der katholischen Pfarrei Glan-Münchweiler, Band III, Taufen von 1816 bis 1899. Ramstein, Germany: Self-published, 2006.
- [S1289] California Birth Index, 1905-1995 [database on-line]. Online at Ancestry.com. Original data of State of California: California Birth Index, 1905-1995, State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics, Sacramento, California.
- [S1369] Velton, Charles W. & Pickering, Gladys Fay. Marriage License , 3 Jun 1922. Cert. 1923A0010837, Recorder of Deeds Office , Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri.

- [S1422] Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002 [database on-line]. Online at Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1551] Washington State Marriage Records [database on-line]. Online at Washington State Archives, <http://www.digitalarchives.wa.gov>.
- [S1618] Arkansas County Marriages, 1837-1957 [database on-line]. Online at FamilySearch, http://www.familysearch.org
- [S1647] Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers [database on-line]. Online at Library Of Congress, <http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/>.
- [S1675] Alabama County Marriages, 1816-1957 [database on-line]. Online at FamilySearch, http://www.familysearch.org
- [S1953] Washington, Marriage Records, 1865-2004 [database on-line]. Online at Ancestry.com, viewed at http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1968] Velton, John H. 27 March 1919. Record no. 927, Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona.

- [S2025] Obituaries, Hemet Valley Mortuary (online), Riverside, California, http://www.hemetvalleymortuary.com/
- [S2099] Obituaries, Westminster Memorial Park Mortuary (online), Westminster, California, https://www.dignitymemorial.com
- [S2132] Washington Deaths Certificates, 1907-1960 [database on-line]. Online at FamilySearch, viewed at https://familysearch.org