- [S69] Katholische Kirche Camberg (Kreis Limburg), Kirchenbuch, 1598-1900. Vol. KB-4, Baptisms (1757-1818). Micropublication, 10 films, film no. 1200887, item 4. Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982.
- [S70] Katholische Kirche Niederselters (Kreis Limburg), Kirchenbuch, 1704-1899. Vol. KB-8, Deaths (1818-1831). Micropublication, 3 films, film no. 1271815, item 2. Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982.
- [S81] Katholische Kirche Camberg (Kreis Limburg), Kirchenbuch, 1598-1900. Vol. KB-17, Marriages (1690-1818). Micropublication, 10 films, film no. 1200896, item 2. Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982.
- [S307] Infant Schreiner (child of Walter and Mary Schreiner). Death entry, 20 May 1933. "Liber Mortuorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, Initiens Anno D. 1867," (photocopy of original church book provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles, California), 1933, item 2. Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Franks, Ohio.
- [S310] Daniel, Richard John Nicholas. Baptismal entry, 11 Jan 1920. "Liber Baptismorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, fondata Anno D. 1867," (photocopy of original church book provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles, CA), Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S335] Obituary of Norbert F. Miller, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, 23 Feb 1981.
- [S344] Fritz, Kathryn A., Tombstone. Saint Sebastian's Cemetery, Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio. Read and photographed by author, Jul 1993.
- [S345] Fritz, Joseph U., Tombstone. Saint Sebastian's Cemetery, Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio. Read and photographed by author, Jul 1993.
- [S361] Obituary of George J. Swartz, son of Edward Swartz, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, 25 May 1976.
- [S367] Obituary of Caroline Missler, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, 21 Aug 1961.
- [S423] Schreiner, Josephum. Baptismal entry, 9 Dec 1877. "Liber Baptismorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, fondata Anno D. 1867," (photocopy of original book provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles, CA, date of birth obscured by edge of copy), Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S443] Heydinger, Sylvester Frank & Miller, Eleanor Mary. Marriage Return , 20 Jul 1932. Seneca County Marriage Book 6B : 74, lic. no. 934B , Seneca County Probate Court, Probate Clerk's Office , Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S464] Schaub, Joseph und Schreiner, Rosa. Marriage entry, 12 Feb 1889. "Liber Matrimoniorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, initiens Anno Dom. 1867," (photocopy provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles), Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S505] Huron County, OH, Probate Court. Marriage Records, Vol. 4 (1882-1886). Micropublication, 2 rolls, film no. 0410261, item 2. Salt Lake City: The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1965.
- [S511] Alt, Elizabeth. Death entry, 21 Feb 1936. "Liber Mortuorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, initiens Anno D. 1867," (photocopy provided by James Daniel, Los Angeles, california), Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Ohio.
- [S577] Enders, Kurt, to David Velten. Email message dated 11 Jul 1997 from e-mail address (Im Hoehsand 9, D-64404 Bickenbach, Germany). Personal files of David Velten, Bolton, Massachusetts. 1998.

- [S583] Leshnick Company, comp. Leshnick's Joplin City Directory, 1921. Peoria: Leshnick Directory Co., 1921.
- [S607] Schreiner, Franziscus. Baptismal entry, 20 Feb 1876. "Liber Baptismorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, fondata Anno D. 1867," (photocopy of original record book provided by Jim Daniel, Los Angeles, CA), Entry no. 1 for 1876. Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S648] Obituary of Mary H. Miller, The Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, 5 Apr 1965.
- [S650] Seneca County Genealogical Society. Seneca County, Ohio: History & Families. Paducah, KY: Turner Publishing Co., 1998.
- [S656] Obituary of Catherine T.Swartz (nee Schreiner), The Norwalk Reflector online (http://www.norwalkreflector.com), Norwalk,Ohio, 5 Jul 1999.

- [S683] Obituary of Frank Hahl, Advertiser-Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio, Wednesday, 25 Jul 1934.
- [S863] Obituary of Gloria Jean Miller, The Advertiser-Tribune online (http://www.Advertiser-Tribune.com), Tiffin, Ohio, Tuesday, 26 Jun 2001.
- [S945] Obituary of Carl E. Fox, The Advertiser-Tribune online (http://www.advertiser-tribune.com), Tiffin, Ohio, 2 Aug 2002.
- [S958] Bischoff, Helen T.. Death Certificate No. 35778, 18 May 1936, State of Ohio, Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio.
- [S1043] Obituary of Richard J. Daniel, The Advertiser-Tribune, online (http://www.advertiser-tribune.com), Tiffin, Ohio, 12 May 2003.
- [S1119] Hutfluss, Michael, comp. Ortssippenbuch Stanischitsch: Batschka, 1788-1895. Schriesheim : Arbeitskreis donauschwäbischer Familienforscher, 1986.
- [S1173] Katholische Kirche Reifenberg (BA. Zweibrücken), Kirchenbuch, 1650-1961. Marriages (1804-1827). Micropublication, 3 rolls, film no. 0400575. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1961.
- [S1180] Woodruff, Pat. Schwegel Genealogy: The Schwegel Girls. MyFamily.com, 2004. RootsWeb WorldConnect online database.
- [S1190] Katholische Kirche Maßweiler (BA. Zweibrücken), Kirchenbuch, 1729-1939. Baptisms (1729-1798). Micropublication, 4 rolls, film no. 0351905. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1961.
- [S1191] Katholische Kirche Maßweiler (BA. Zweibrücken), Kirchenbuch, 1729-1932. Baptisms (1802-1932). Micropublication, 4 rolls, film no. 0351906. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1961.
- [S1238] Shireman, Delia Ann. Death Certificate No. 1910, filed 10 May 1922,.

- [S1329] News article, The News Journal, Mansfield, Ohio, Sunday, 20 Feb 1977.
- [S1330] Schreiner, Albertum. Baptismal entry, 16 Feb 1883. "Liber Baptismorum Congregationes Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, Diocesis Clevelandensis, fondata Anno D. 1867," (photocopy of original supplied by Jim Daniels), 1883, 3rd entry. Original document at the St. Michael's (now St. Gaspar) parish office, Frank, Seneca County, Ohio.
- [S1346] Missler, Andrew John. Ohio Death Certificate No. 27952, filed 1 May 1935, FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org), Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah.
- [S1362] Gerber, John und Westrick, Cecelia Family Group Sheet. Received 1 Jan 2008 from Loretta Gerber, Castalia, Ohio. A list of the 11 children of John and Cecelia with dates and places, no source citations.
- [S1441] Kunkel, Frank George. Death Certificate No. 23193, filed 12 Jul 1943,.

- [S1447] Alt, Charles Leon. Ohio Death Certificate No. 46978, filed 127 Aug 1938, FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org), Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah.
- [S1448] Alt, Mary E.. Ohio Death Certificate No. 13455, filed 22 Feb 1936, FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org), Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah.
- [S1449] Wedding announcement, The Advertiser-Tribune online, Tiffin, Ohio, http://www.advertiser-tribune.com
- [S1516] Miller, Joseph Alois. Ohio Death Certificate No. 41723, filed 12 Jul 1924, FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org), Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah.
- [S1517] Miller, Elizabeth. Ohio Death Certificate No. 74177, filed 1 Nov 1929, FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org), Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah.
- [S1567] Miller, Louis. Ohio Death Certificate No. 58645, filed 3 Nov 1909, FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org), Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah.
- [S1646] Wunderley, Katharyn Huss und Pascoe, Patty Dahm. Erie County, Ohio, Cemetery Census Before 1909. Erie County, Ohio: Erie County Cemetery Project, 1989.
- [S1726] Liste des registres disponibles pour Asbach, Actes de Mariage [database on-line]. Online at Archives départementales du Bas-Rhin, http://archives.bas-rhin.fr/
- [S1803] Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. FamilySearch Labs Record Search (http://search.labs.familysearch.org). Ohio Death Certificate. Gerber, Albert certificate.
- [S1932] Obituaries, The New Journal online, Mansfield, Ohio, http://www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com
- [S2024] Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1924 [database on-line]. Online at Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S2117] Obituaries, The Engle-Shook Funeral Home (online), Tiffin, Ohio, https://www.engleshookfuneralhome.com/
- [S2119] Obituaries, The Snyder Funeral Home (online), Mansfield, Ohio, https://www.snyderfuneralhomes.com/