Barbara Schneider
W, ID No. 8051
Letzte Änderung | 10.11.2002 |
Elisabetha Hüther
W, ID No. 8052
Heirat* | Sie heiratete Peter Theis, Sohn von Peter Theis und Elisabetha Velten, in Catholic Church, located in Kübelberg, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.1 |
Geburt* | Elisabetha wurde, in Sand, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, geboren. |
| Sie war die Tochter von Johannes Hüther und Elisabetha Buchheit. |
- [S960] Katholische Kirche Kübelberg; Heiraten, 1814-1866; Micropublication, 5 rolls, roll no. 0400411, item 1 (Salt Lake City: Genealogy Society of Utah, 1961), 1828, entry no. 4 for Petrum Theis, son of deceased Petri Theis and Elisabetha Felden of Sand, to Elisabetha Hüther of Sand, dau. of deceased Joannes Hüther and Elisabetha Buchheit.
Johannes Hüther
M, ID No. 8053, + vor 04.1828
Letzte Änderung | 23.05.2009 |
Elisabetha Buchheit
W, ID No. 8054, * 1763
- [S1066] Markus Bauer, comp., Familienbuch der Katholischen Pfarrei Brücken/Pfalz, 1690-1850 (Brücken, Germany: Markus Bauer, 2000), p. 222, family of Johannes Georg Buchheit and Margaretha Schön.
Pauline Margaret Herrick
W, ID No. 8055
| Pauline Margaret Herrick ist die. |
Jean Marie Herrick
W, ID No. 8056, * 14.09.1925
Phyllis Ann Herrick
W, ID No. 8057, * 16.11.1931, + 31.10.2013
Geburt* | Phyllis wurde am 16.11.1931, in Monroeville, Huron County, Ohio, geboren.1 |
| Sie war die Tochter von Henry Nickolas Herrick und Amanda Irene Schreiner. |
Heirat* | Sie heiratete Cletus William Fries am 18.06.1946 in Huron County, Ohio.1 |
Tod* | Phyllis starb am 31.10.2013, in The Willows at Bellevue, located in Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio, im Alter von 81.1 |
- [S1083] Obituaries, The Norwalk Reflector online, Norwalk, Ohio (, obituary of Phyllis Ann (Herrick) Fries of Bellevue, d. 31 Oct 2013 Bellevue.
- [S1674] George Schreiner und Gertrude Hoehler Register Report, Prepared 9 Mar 2008 by Marilyn F. Hahler, Wichita, Kansas. Based on extensive research, fully sourced and cited, pp. 18-19, family of Cletus William Fries and Phyllis Ann Herrick.
Maria Thesz
W, ID No. 8058, * 23.03.1879
Letzte Änderung | 11.09.2004 |
- [S959] Római Katólikus Egyház, Katymár; Kereszteltek (Baptisms) 1748-1840; Micropublication, 7 rolls, roll no. 0639366 , item 1 (Salt Lake City : Filmed by Genealogical Society of Utah, 1964), p. 165L, entry for Marie Thess, daughter of Joannes Thess and Eva Karl, b./bap. 23 Mar1879.
- [S1115] Josef Pahl, comp., Ortssippenbuch der ehemals deutschen Bewohner von Katschmar-Katymár in der Nord-Batschka 1748-1945, 2 vols. (Griesheim: Joseph Pahl, 1997), p. 910, no. 4968, family of Johann Thess and Eva Karl.
Margaret Ann Miller
W, ID No. 8059, * 1879, + 17.06.1960
Geburt* | Margaret wurde in 1879, in Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio, geboren. |
| Sie war die Tochter von Charles Miller und Cornelia Winters. |
Heirat* | Sie heiratete Lawrence Stockmaster, Sohn von William Stockmaster und Christina Korb, am 16.11.1897 in St. Sebastian's Church, located in Bismarck, Sherman Township, Huron County, Ohio.1 |
Tod* | Margaret starb am 17.06.1960, in Willard, Huron County, Ohio. |
Beisetzung* | Sie wurde am 19.06.1960, in Sts. Peter and Paul Cemetery, located in Attica, Seneca County, Ohio, begraben. |
Familie | Lawrence Stockmaster * 14.11.1872, + 22.04.1952 |
Kinder | - Albert Lawrence Stockmaster * Y=1899, + Y=1963
- Fred C. Stockmaster * Y=1900, + Y=1900
- Maria Anna Stockmaster2 * Y=1901 M=2 D=26, + Y=1929 M=1 D=16
- William Paul Stockmaster * Y=1903, + Y=1963
- Lauretta Rose Stockmaster * Y=1904, + Y=1989
- Carl Louis Stockmaster * Y=1906, + Y=1971
- Leo Alfred Stockmaster * Y=1909 M=1 D=17
- Mildred Catherine Stockmaster * Y=1911 M=1 D=15, + Y=1911 M=3 D=20
- Wilbur Edwin Stockmaster * Y=1912, + Y=1991
- Walter Joseph Stockmaster * Y=1914, + Y=1988
- Agnes C. Stockmaster * Y=1916, + Y=1998
- Mardel Mary Stockmaster2 * Y=1920 M=5 D=3, + Y=2003 M=2 D=23
- Harold B. Stockmaster>> * Y=1923 M=10 D=24, + Y=2002 M=11 D=3
- [S1075] Records of St. Sebastian Catholic Church, Bismarck, Huron County, Ohio; Marriages 1853-1914; Micropublication, 1 roll, roll no. 2320983, item 1-2 (Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Archival Collection, Bowling Green State University, 2002), p. 30, 1897, entry for Laurentius Stcokmeister and Margaretha Müller, mar. 16 Nov 1897.
- [S2036] Linda Guinup email to David Velten, 31 Dec 2014 from Cincinnati, OH. Personal files of David Velten, Bolton, Massachusetts corrections and additions to her family based on personal knowledge.
Emma Stockmaster
W, ID No. 8060
Letzte Änderung | 29.11.2002 |