The German spelling of Csonoplya is Tschonopel and the current Serbian spelling is Conoplja. This village is located NNE of Sombor. Originally in the Batschka region of the Hungarian empire, it is now in an area known as Vojvodina in the country of Serbia. There has been human settlement in the area for centuries, at least back to the late Stone Age. The area was ravaged by both the Tartars and the Turks, and was not liberated until 1687. A few German settlers appeared in early years, but the major German settlement happened in 1786 when 109 German families arrived. These included my ancestors, Valentin Weinert, Johann Fait/Feith, and Josef Wilhelm.
After Wolrd War II, most of the German population fled when the German army retreated. Those that stayed were imprisoned and put into prison camps or work camps. Many died in those camps, or were sent to slave labor camps in the Ukraine. At least 258 people died. There are no ethnic Germans left in the village.